Normal to use PH up when adding nutes?


Active Member
Do most ppl find that adding nutes to your solution requires the use of PH up?

growing in DWC...


Active Member
thanks for the response.

strange. when i make a relatively week solution with GH MaxiGro nutes (like the one they recommend for seedlings) it drops the PH of my resovoir from my tap water level of like 7.5 down to like 5... so this isn't normal? it just seems so strange the nutes are so drastically changing the ph.

Also, I looked at my rockwool cubes and they have this white powder all over them from dried nutes. Even with this my plants are showing a lot of problems that seem to be associated with deficiencies. lower leaves are turning pale green, tips of the leaves are turning white and veins are bright yellow from the tips in... Do you think its possible im locking out the nutes somehow or i guess overfeeding? i'm keeping the ph as close to 6 as i can get it.

I'm mixing the solution according to what it says on the GH Maxigro box that is recommended for seedlings and clones (mine are a month old).

Any advice is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
the GH series is known for salt build up which could lead to a host of problems. PM Brasmith-he has direct experience with it. and usually it's ph down after adding nutes. something is reacting in there that is dropping it so much so fast. have never used ph up when adding nutes-only down. flush and drain that res and add with 1/2 strength nutes. also try dunking the plants root bottoms in a bath of h202 and ph'd tap water-dunk dunk dunk than let sit and drain than put back in res. and ur ph is advisable at 5.6-5.8 for dwc-6.00 too high IMO-possible various nute lockouts


Active Member
will definitely do so. the drop in ph happens when i add the nutes to straight up tap water. my tap water is at like 7.5 and nothing but the nutes drop it down to 5. Does this imply that I am making the solution far too strong? Im doing 2 grams per gallon (.5 grams per liter as suggested for small plants). Theres nothing else in there until i put the nutes in. maybe ill scrub down the resevoir. Thanks for the info.


Well-Known Member
do not use h202 period, you will run into all kinds of issues, definitly don't dip sensitive roots into h202.

the ph will be low but thats ok depending on how big the plants are, if your plants are already 12" then they will probably suck up the acids which it turn raises the PH.

if not that then you may want to pre-mix your nute solution 1 day prior to water change and you may notice the ph bounce back up, some highly organic nutes do this


first time in hydro, i always use ph down so far, i use gh, i think theres nothing wrong with h202 i used it and actually saw improvement, i mean i wouldnt use alot or use it all the time, but def when the roots are browning a bit it helps alot


Well-Known Member
any type of growing media pretty much always causes ph to rise so to counter it, make your nutrient solution slightly more acidic and you'll be fine.. never make the solution more basic unless the ph of the mixed solution is under 5.5
good luck!