nogoo jars turned my oil blue. why?


Well-Known Member
You fucking crack me up...

Haha... Can't remember who posted it, but they said..
” I just picture your posts being yelled by the guy off Metal Apocalypse from Adult Swim.”

I can't lie..

I laughed really hard, because that's how I read some of your posts...haha.
But, then, I see some posts, where you are like a gentle giant.

I like that about you bro!!..
Lol..Metal Apocalypse


New Member
hahahhahahaha yeah I have my moments. sometimes I just get so pissed off by people in real life and on here, its basically like a place to vent I guess lol. sorry if you guys gotta deal with it sometimes, and yes, sometimes I am yelling in my posts lol.


Active Member
I know Im jumping in late - but man, throw that oil away if you havent already. Silicone is completely inappropriate for handling solvents or lipids, yet is marketed to the BHO crowd for both bc of its non stick properties. During the manufacturing of silicone, a large amount of leftover solvents and lipids gets trapped in the plastic. Curing can remove these impurities from the first half millimeter or so, but thicker plastics simply hold onto them for a long time - until the unreactive silicone comes in contact with something the solvents can migrate into more easily, like liquid butane or a lipid like hash oil, and then they just get sucked into the butane or oil like a brawny paper towel sucking up blue liquid. Combined with the poisonous dyes used to color the plastic, which can rub off over time and even leech out like happened here, well, avoid silicone at all costs. There is another option, though, besides parchment, which is free and likely in your home right now:


Well-Known Member
Great post Vlad!
Although I stole the idea from you...

See post #2..
Pretty much the same post, but once again...
That info was obtained thru your teachings, so a” thank you” is in order.

Thank you Vlad!


Active Member
So you did! I must confess I was so horrified by the dye leeching into the OPs oil I just went straight to quick reply without reading any further! Bad form, I know, but Im glad you covered it so quickly. I wish the mods would sticky a warning about the dangers of silicone - everyone figures it out eventually when batch after batch of oil starts tasting like plastic, but it really sucks to see folks having their batches ruined bc these shady manufacturers keep pushing these things into headshops and telling people its safe, maybe a big heads up at the top would prevent a few folks from falling for it. But then, there are so many traps these days when it comes to BHO, it seems everything new that comes out for it lately is poorly thought out and often downright unhealthy.