Nitrogen Deficency/Excess/Other week 4 flower


New Member
Hello all, I have two plants that have been showing signs of yellowing, crunchy leaves that fall off easily. The plant most effected is the one pictured, the other is not as bad although the feeding schedule is the same.

(side note: these current plants were grown seeds were from heavily seeded bud, perhaps even hermied. started 12/12 from seed as I already had the seeds, lighting, soil, pots and area to grow. these plants were grown from a spur of the moment decision due to difficulty in maintaining a consistent stash. I realize there is much to leave desired in the choice of seeds and soil. from the research I've done, the reason why they are just one vertical bud instead of branches is due to 12/12 from seed but once again, they were from seeded/hermied unknown bud)

Flower 4-5 weeks
250 HPS and 300 watt equivalent LED.
Feed twice weekly. The first 3 weeks it was two teaspoons per gallon of tap water with GH MaxiBloom and one teaspoon of Cal-Mag
When yellowing appeared at week 3-4 I changed feeding to one teaspoon of GH MaxiBloom one teaspoon of GH MaxiGrow and one teaspoon of Cal-Mag per gallon of tap water.

Soil MiracleGrow organic potting soil: (I know, I know ;))
3 gallon pots
RH 65-75 percent due to local climate
Never flushed or watered other than feeding and generally have dry soil at feeding.

Thanks in advance1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg4.jpg for any help!


New Member
I’m thinking root bound.
Thanks for your input, I will check when it dries up in a day or two.

It's in a 3 gallon pot so it's possible but based on the size of it (which I know you can't really see from pics) I would have never thought of that.
Additionally, there are zero roots at all near the top of the soil surface. Correction: A second checked showed young roots forming at the top of the soil.

Thanks again for your input, greatly appreciated.
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Well-Known Member
Happy to help out. I’ve had root bound issues before. One year I had a Watermelon strain in a 5 gallon bucket. It was the perfect looking plant. Looked fake. Then about 3-4 weeks into flower it started going yellow. I tried organic nutes, fresh ewc topdress, fresh compost. Nothing was slowing down the yellowing. Then a light bulb went off and I made up a 20 gallon planter. Pulled the whole root mass out of the 5 gallon planter. Looked like a popsicle sliding out of its holder. Put it in its new home and within a week she was happy again!!


New Member
Thanks for your reply. I was actually about to respond back because I double checked the roots.

I double checked the top of the soil as I last checked late last week. I'm feeling spider web sized roots forming near the surface of the soil. I'm going to pull it tomorrow once dry enough and see how it's looking on the bottom. With tiny roots near the top of the pot I'm sure it's getting tight in there.

Perhaps this particular strain is very sensitive, so I'm going to transplant to 5 gallons just to be sure and eliminate "root boundness" as the culprit.

Thanks again for your help.