New grower, learning and makin it. 300 Watt.


Active Member
Hi everybody, just wanted to share my experience and maybe get some useful tips on the way while i learn a lot more about growing. Im currently using a 3x4 closet with a crappy 60 watt flood light. Tuesday my LED gets delivered. Heres a few pics to show what i have already. By day 14 ill have my 300 watt LED setup. I also grabbed a bottle of 7-9-5 Dyna Grow which ill start using shortly after i switch over to LED.

Day 5
Day 5.jpg

Day 10
Day 10 small 3.jpgDay 10 bigger 3.jpg

Generally how many days before i want to transplant these? I checked root growth today and its not ready yet.

Also, do the roots grow up at all? Will they fill in the grow medium after i transplant? Im assuming no and they will grow down and out and not up at all.


Well-Known Member
Man, they are stretching for light!! I would consider throwing them in a small pot and burying those long stems. You also want to make sure you have some air blowing, lightly, on them or they will fall over.

No, normally you would want to leave them in the cups until they get a couple sets of leaf nodes.


Active Member
Ya i did notice the bad stretching, i put a cardboard box under them to get them closer to the light. Its only a temp setup until i get my LED. I have 3 small CPU fans blowing on them constantly right now.

I do plan on using this Mainlining technique i have been reading about. Just waiting for the 4th or 5th node.


Active Member
Ya, just moved the light a lot closer. It should stop stretching so much. The light its under right now is weak, but good enuf for the next 3 days.


Well-Known Member
When the tips of the leaves get to the edge of the container or beyond is a good time to transplant.