New bill passed by Congress! Worse than the Patriot Act! Rights being taken away!


Active Member

It's pretty long, so I'll just cut and paste a few things that stuck out to me. You can read the full context of the bill in the link I provided.

(2) VIOLENT RADICALIZATION- The term ..violent radicalization' means the process of adopting or promoting an extremist belief system for the purpose of facilitating ideologically based violence to advance political, religious, or social change.

(3) HOMEGROWN TERRORISM- The term ..homegrown terrorism' means the use, planned use, or threatened use, of force or violence by a group or individual born, raised, or based and operating primarily within the United States or any possession of the United States to intimidate or coerce the United States government, the civilian population of the United States, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.

..(4) IDEOLOGICALLY BASED VIOLENCE- The term ..ideologically based violence' means the use, planned use, or threatened use of force or violence by a group or individual to promote the group or individual's political, religious, or social beliefs.

..(2) The promotion of violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence exists in the United States and poses a threat to homeland security.

..(3) The Internet has aided in facilitating violent radicalization, ideologically based violence, and the homegrown terrorism process in the United States by providing access to broad and constant streams of terrorist-related propaganda to United States citizens.

Is anyone else worried?


Well-Known Member
That basically throws out the second amendment. But that's not a new thing to me.


Well-Known Member
It's pretty obvious what these assholes are planing ... it's up to we the people to do something ... if not ... we will be the new Germans that turn their back to fascism.


Well-Known Member
so .... you are in favor of torture ... trashing the constitiution ... destorying the economy .... the killing of hundreds of thousands of people ... invading soverign nations .... secret prison where people can be label "ememy combatant" and can be imprison without charge ... without legal representation ... private armies not accountable to law ... just like the German people did ... so ....



Well-Known Member
The problem with laws like this is that they are just as useful against a revolution as they are against true terrorism. The original founding fathers were labeled as criminals when they fought the revolution against the tyranical British gov. for our independance the first time. The next time we are forced to rise up to fight for our freedom ( And this will happen agian ) we will be labled as terrorists. And the government will attempt to pit us against the very citizens we are fighting for. It's gonna be dirty.