"New Beer" - Marijuana Policy Project NASCAR Ad


Well-Known Member
I have had to sit through way to anti drug commercials in my life, I want revenge for their
attempted brain washing.

For anti alcohol commercials they would not even have to hire actors or use special effects



Well-Known Member
I am pleasantly surprised that MPP chose to take aim at a "conservative" audience here. When I look at nearly half of our states whom have yet to legalize MJ in any manner, I personally see a NASCAR fan base. No bullshit progressive message/story line either, but rather simple reasoning :clap:


Well-Known Member
I agree 100%. I've used the no-hangover line for the last 20 years (since I quit drinking)


Well-Known Member
I am not anti anything to be honest and there is enough data now to almost prove that decriminalization
will lower rates on any and all drugs. I am not embarrassed to say I have tried everything from A to Z
and always thought of all the substances to legalize. Alcohol? Really?


Well-Known Member
I am not anti anything to be honest and there is enough data now to almost prove that decriminalization
will lower rates on any and all drugs. I am not embarrassed to say I have tried everything from A to Z
and always thought of all the substances to legalize. Alcohol? Really?
Not really considered a "drug", but cigarettes are the ones that I will never understand. We know they kill us, and we know that the manufacturers add shit to get us hooked on it. Mind boggling

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
now i dont drink....im dumb enough-
--i would rather watch others get stupid and kill brain cells .......from a distance

but if any of you guys make any of >>>this stuff i would be down for a couple cases--pm me :smile:

....the best is the 'unpasterized' w the thc still intact
....my friend that used to work here would bring home a gallon every nite....unpasterized before they boil it-
like drinking a scliff

....hmmmm ...i wonder if you could make a cbd rich beer?
dixie elixer has the soda version....".




Well-Known Member
I have had to sit through way to anti drug commercials in my life, I want revenge for their
attempted brain washing.

For anti alcohol commercials they would not even have to hire actors or use special effects

Not to mention tobacco and alcohol companies are the ones paying for us to watch all of those anti-drug commercials.


Well-Known Member
problem is it does'nt matter what the public wants, polls already show over 50% of the nation wants marijuana atleast decriminalized. If the government worked the way its supposed to then that alone would be enough to change policy. But we all know thats not how it works. 90% of the nation could want it legalized and it still would'nt matter. As long as prohibition makes the people who are in CONTROL their fortunes, it will stay that way unfortunately. Its all about the almighty dollar and it always will be. Tobacco and alcohol are BIG money industries and they are going to grease every palm they can to keep the competition of marijuana out of the legally consumable race as far as federal law is concerned. Its quite sad, even people who've never smoked agree that cannabis has no place on the schedule 1 list yet it remains there, regardless of how much good it would do against the "war on drugs" to change the policies. Reason and common sense have nothing to do with it obviously, we all know its only about the money in the end.


Well-Known Member
problem is it does'nt matter what the public wants, polls already show over 50% of the nation wants marijuana atleast decriminalized. If the government worked the way its supposed to then that alone would be enough to change policy. But we all know thats not how it works. 90% of the nation could want it legalized and it still would'nt matter. As long as prohibition makes the people who are in CONTROL their fortunes, it will stay that way unfortunately. Its all about the almighty dollar and it always will be. Tobacco and alcohol are BIG money industries and they are going to grease every palm they can to keep the competition of marijuana out of the legally consumable race as far as federal law is concerned. Its quite sad, even people who've never smoked agree that cannabis has no place on the schedule 1 list yet it remains there, regardless of how much good it would do against the "war on drugs" to change the policies. Reason and common sense have nothing to do with it obviously, we all know its only about the money in the end.
There is a lot less opposition in the way now. You can follow the money now
back to who ran anti legalization adds in CO, CA, WA and OR. The big
money that funded PDFA back in the day was not there any more.

I think all three parties will be more aligned on social issues 20-30 years from now.
Such a huge percentage of actual voters (not poll takers) are elderly. I am
not anti elderly, they are the ones that defeated fascism and built this country
but, they also have had the least contact with MJ and the strongest views against
it. I think 15-20 states will be fully legalized in my lifetime


Well-Known Member
I think your quite right on that, i feel most states will be legal in the much distant future. My point is really that OUR votes don't matter. Our opinions don't matter. If the people who are truely in control of these issues i.e congress, lobbyists, and DEA are lining their pockets from prohibition, then greed will always trump what the 99% want no matter how much we rally or vote or voice ourselves. Until we take away their power, they will always win. Its just a sad fact of this nation we call "the land of the free"


Well-Known Member
I would largely agree, but these sorts of governments function best in the dark. That's less possible with the internet.

Personally I think America needs more riots. European governments are more afraid of their people than here in the states. Here we occupy someplace and we get labeled as European


Well-Known Member
I think in reality it will take at least a decade, tens of thousands of lawyers/politicians and literally billions of dollars to unwind the legal mess they have spent nearly a century weaving in relation to hemp/marijuana. Laws have become clearly a pay for play scheme in this country that is controlled by the will of the Democratic and Republican political machines. Sadly, in the end even 100% polling and/or voting of the public is literally worthless on it's face :(


Well-Known Member
The states voting can't be ignored forever. While big corps control the fed and some states, they don't control all states and I think that's where the crumble will come from. All of New England is now MMJ+ and they don't care much about tobacco fields or anheuser busch. So I'm hoping that less compromised state govts will not all bow down to the corporate powers.

Even now people are like "WTF, we voted for this shit" and that dissatisfaction will boil over. This still isn't N Korea where people have been starved and brutalized into unquestioning conformity.