Need Someone With Experience


Active Member
how we doin guys im from the middle of nowwere and can only find the worst of the worst smoke,,,,,im getting this stuff just filled wityh seeds and stems,,,,,,,,,im looking at tghese pics and your guys shit doesnt look like it has any stems or seed in it,,,,,,,,it breaks down like this i have about 500 bucks im trying to invest and need someone to tell me how to spend it the right way,,,,,,soils lights im trying not to buy a whole bunch of bullshit i dont need,,,,,,,the only thing ive done already was order 10 white widow and 10 ak47,,,oh yeah if anybody has a better website for seed s hookitup,,,,,,,appreciate the help if i get it


Well-Known Member sounds good. just read forums and learn. there are many options. and with $500 you can do a lot of good things. enjoy.


Well-Known Member
what kind s of nutrients do i get and were,,,you got another website for equipment
im actually actively pursuing this information myself. i guess you can check my post for answers on that. eBay has many nice light combo packages or complete systems. thats all ive been looking at.:joint::peace::blsmoke:


Smoky McPot
How many plants? Depending on how many you are growing, if it's only two, Id get a 250W HPS HID bulb with a ballast. That will run you a good 300 bucks. Then spend the other 200 on regular organic soil, some kind of organic nutes ( just search google for this shit), light timers cost like 5 bucks. You will need some pots and a nice ventilated place to grow with a good humidity. Water is free. Thats pretty much it. Just post on here if you have probs. Great site to learn.


Well-Known Member
home depot dude. outdoor hps flood lites 400 w 200 bucks. same spectrum. if ur handy u can even take it aprt xtend the wires and put a coolable hood on the bulb. build ur own hydro systems for about 100.00 i recommend general hydroponics nutes. the 3 part flora system is really good and inexpensive. its almost a no brainer. make sure u get something to ph with. i use the 10.00 manual ph'r and a good 50-70.00 tds pen to take readings. light timers at walmart. make sure u get the dencent 15 or 20 amp heavy duty ones. and if u got a window go to big lots and invest 60.00 in an window a/c unit for cooling but dont get the one that has a thermostat spend the 80 bucks on a plug in type thermostat from bc hydro or ur closest hydro store.

good luck and happy growing dude. once u start u'll never regret it.