NEED HELP!!!!!!!! Im a beginner


Well-Known Member
Ok, i am 2 and a half weeks new to growing marijuana. I i have 3 flourescent (i think 40watt) bulbs, 2 bulbs above the plants about 2 inches higher than the plant and 1 bulb on the side about 3 inches away from the plant. I have 7 plants 2 and a half weeks old in a 13 x 9 Inch wide pot filled with Peatmoss, Organic Potting Mix, and i have Bulb Booster(9-9-6) for later use. Can i keep all the plants in the pot together? Is the Peatmoss and Organic Potting Mix a good choice? And when should i use the Bulb Booster(9-9-6) ? I also have Schults Take Root rooting hormone, is this something i can use to put in the soil? NEED HELP!!


Well-Known Member
A) Transplant them all into seperate containers or they will get root bound.
B) NO, Schultz's rooting hormone is for taking clippings from a plant to make them take root (for clones) so DO NOT put that into the soil.
C) You can use that bulb booster anytime you want. It is low in NPK and could be used as all around nutes, although I would get something like a 20-20-20.
D) Your soil seems OK but don't put too much peet moss into the soil, maybe 15% peet to 85% garden soil and maybe mix in some Perlite.


Well-Known Member
What happens whe nthey get rootbound? So if i keep them in the one container and lets them grow they wont grow next to eachother fine even if i move them outside in a month?


Well-Known Member
You are going to need more light. On my first grow I used 8 4 ft flour's a gave the plants lots of love (not much else). Yield was about 20grams of good bud and about a Z of ok stuff. If you want bud you need light.


Well-Known Member
So ill just need more lights? I have 2 flourescent lights 2 inches about them and 1 3 inches to the side. How mant more lights do i need? and where? just all above the plant? the flourescent lights i am using are 32 watt (coolwhite) are there any cheap other lights i can buy and find at a local store?


Active Member
For soilless medium go sunshine mix #4 or pro mix hp.Nutes very early on first week hit them with warm water and super thrive 1ml per gallon.When plants look like second node is coming start them on General hydroponic Flora micro and Flora grow,read instructions,remember warm water.When you flower don't go with Flora bloom instead go with Plant prod 15-30-15.I topped my plants and got many huge thick colas and my plants and yield were better than all my buddies.They were amazed from doing this with simply no crazy set up.The guy that showed me this was an old grey haired hippee from WTI hydroponics in Vancouver,He was a judge for 3 yrs back in the 90"S in Amsterdam.Totally chill dude.This approach is simple and watch your plant it will tell you from the leaves and growth how it feels about nutes or other things.Also make sure you have good seed.At the end of the day a good strain erases many mistakes.Peace(try godbud most potent cheap seeds on the planet)