Need help identifying and growing.


Active Member
I recieved a plant today as a birthday gift and I have no idea what stage it's at or how to take care of it.

I know the dirt it's being grown in some high quality dirt that came off of a farm from a corn and soy silo.

The canopy of the plant that is starting to come in is a bright neon green.

I'm having a hard time taking good quality picture so I'll upload them as I get them.

I know enough to tell that it's a female, so that may be some hint as to how far along it is.

Any help is appreciated. bongsmilie



Active Member
That's a nice rose bush, at least thats what I think it is. lol. It's in veg stage and should be fed accordingly. Start off will low doses and work up.


Well-Known Member
i assume that the person who gave it to you said it was female? because your plant is in it's vegitative state, where it focuses on developing new growth. you will know for sure if it's female when you flower it. give her alot of light...metal halide, cfls, etc. and i'd take her out of that heat/cold conducting pot you got her in..... good luck


Active Member
As far as I know it's a clone.

But you can't tell from the picture but I've read alot of about growing and it starting to show the tendrils near the base of the stems.

I may have remembered wrong, but as far as growing goes, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. I just don't want it to die. I've had it for about a week and it hasn't gone limp or anything yet, so here's hoping.


I'm downloading and starting to read all the material I can find on growing.


Active Member
do you have an area set up for it??? What is it like??? (lights, nutes, ventilation etc)
Sorry I forgot to mention that.

I've got a small closet I was planning on using.

I don't have anything to use at the moment, but I have the means to get anything needed.

Thanks guys

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
As far as I know it's a clone.

But you can't tell from the picture but I've read alot of about growing and it starting to show the tendrils near the base of the stems.

I may have remembered wrong, but as far as growing goes, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. I just don't want it to die. I've had it for about a week and it hasn't gone limp or anything yet, so here's hoping.


I'm downloading and starting to read all the material I can find on growing.

It Dont look like a clone.. looks like it's been grown from seed