Need advice

Hi everyone, my girls are 10 weeks switching to 12/12 lighting tomorrow. I lost power Sunday around 1:30. I just got a generator going. I'm running a NFT system. How long can they go without lights? I got the pumps working and the circulation fans but no lights. There not ready to be chopped yet but there really close. What should I do?


Well-Known Member
i am confused, they are 10 weeks veg & you are ready to switch to 12/12 or have they already seen 10 weeks of 12/12 and are close to ready to chop?
either way 24-48 hrs of dark wont hurt but going longer would not be good. if you have a generator, can you give them 12 hrs of light a day? if not HPS, even a few cfls will help. they wont grow much under poor light but even 50-100 watts of CFLs will keep a 5x5 area alive for a few days till you get power back. I have put a mother in stasis when not needed w/ a 21watt cfl for over a month. not much growth but it stayed alive till I needed it.
I switched them to 12/12 10 weeks ago. I think I'm good, I figured out how much power I have plugged in to the generator and it's only about 1700 Watts. The generator is 5500 Watts so I plugged my 1000W HPS in and have the timer set to go on at 10 today. The end result was about 48 hours of darkness which I don't think will cause a problem.


Well-Known Member
A few days of darkness before harvest will add trichomes. Its a good thing. Youre probably ready to harvest.