Mylar / foil tape / spray paint?


Well-Known Member
My rubbermade tub is glowing like a huge christmas light bulb.

Will black spray paint covered with white spray paint keep light from penetrating a rubbermade tub?

Or do I need something shiny to stop this?

If so, where can I buy this locally? We dont have any hydro shops.


Well-Known Member
Put 2 coats of black on the outside, and put 1-2 more coats of black on the inside, covered with another coat of white. Or just put 2-3 coats of white on the inside, instead of white and black. MAKE SURE TO LET THE PAINT FULLY DRY BEFORE APPLYING ANOTHER COAT, AND BEFORE PUTTING REPLACING OVER PLANTS. Nothing is more distince than the smell of paint, and people will become curious. Your lights will heat the paint, which will make it dry faster, but can release toxins that are harmful to you and your plant.

That may be overkill, but its always better to be over prepared than under prepared.



Well-Known Member
Put 2 coats of black on the outside, and put 1-2 more coats of black on the inside, covered with another coat of white. Or just put 2-3 coats of white on the inside, instead of white and black. MAKE SURE TO LET THE PAINT FULLY DRY BEFORE APPLYING ANOTHER COAT, AND BEFORE PUTTING REPLACING OVER PLANTS. Nothing is more distince than the smell of paint, and people will become curious. Your lights will heat the paint, which will make it dry faster, but can release toxins that are harmful to you and your plant.

That may be overkill, but its always better to be over prepared than under prepared.

That makes me feel better! My livingroom looks like Clark Griswalds house. I am going for stealth so I will put several coats on the inside. You sure no black? Will 3 coats of white stop all of the light?


Well-Known Member
All that painting sounds tedious. Duct tape will do the job in a fraction of the time. Wrap that bitch up!