My random sprouting!!!!!!


Active Member
Hahaha so me and a friend are in school and we have this plant in our room. Over break we forgot to take it with us so the entire thing just died. Now us being the stoners that we are tossed a few seeds in the pot and lo and behold 3 plants sprouted in this 2x2 pot that we had!!!

Right now its sitting in my closet with my desk lamp(a 37watt white light?) ... I dont know what kind of light it is exactly but its bright as fuck.

Anyways, is this worth pursuing? I dont particularly want to spend 100s of dollars on stuff but it would cool if we could harvest at least 1 of these 3 :)


Active Member
oh also u should know they are about 2 weeks old, probably like 6 inches tall, get water regularly and are under the light for 24/7 currently


Well-Known Member
Looks like you got a second chance! haha, don't stone out on it. If I were you this is what I would do (my circumstances are very similar to yours, I'm also in school): I'm not sure if you live at home or what but if you don't I would pretty much abondon the thought of doing it all indoors. Its already almost March which means in about two months your lease will end/you'll get booted out of residence when you probably need another 3-4 months to finish indoors. On the other hand if you went out now and bought a decent fluorescent bulb you could keep them in the vegetative state until April then transplant them outdoors. With another month (or more depending on where you live and the climate) of vege growth inside and another 3 months outside this would make for a pretty big plant and hopefully a serious yield.


Active Member
Nope I dont live at home anymore. I'm living in an apartment with 2 roomates, 1 of which knows about the plants, doesnt care, and has been involved in it and the second who doesnt know but wouldnt care.

My lease is going to end in about 2 months. Late May. However, I am really skeptical about taking this plant outdoors you know? From what I've read, I thought it was possible to induce budding after 3 months of germinating. Anyways, if I cant get any harvest before the end of late may I could move the plant to a friends house I think. ALso, when you were talking about a fluorescent bulb, how much does that cost? I live in california by the way


Well-Known Member
I say force it to flower now. in 2 months you will have probably less than 1oz but it'll be better than nothing.
get 5 of those curly light bulbs (CFL's) 45w or more and induce budding.


Active Member
im going to let it grow for at least a few more days because they really arent that big at all... i'll upload a picture later tonight hopefully... Also, we just put another yellow light on them to increase frequency and intensity.

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Well-Known Member
I always flower after 30-35 days tops! Buying a decent light would be a plus! You can keep plant in veg stage forever. As long as it receives more than 14 hours of light a day! I would not do the 24/7 cycle, but would recommend a 14-16 light cycle if you wanted to keep it in a veg state and have it grow at a slower rate so that you can move it later on.


Well-Known Member
get CFL's place them 2-3 inches from the tops of the sprouts put an oscellating fan facing the sprouts on low to promote a good strong stem. Id also say if you can spread them apart or put them in different pots carefully.