My first Seed Buy


Well-Known Member
So I'm thinking about buying some seeds from the Nirvana web site because the ones I've got from bag weed isn't panning out too well.

I do my grow indoors and only have a small operation. Anybody have any tips or suggestions as to what strain, etc I should buy? I'm not too choosy when it comes to taste, just want a good high and a strain that won't grow really tall. Short stuff is best for my grow operation.


Well-Known Member
i was planning on ordering from nirvana shop this week but was told they have been know to send empty envelopes or none at all also heard of ppl getting customs letters for ive become a little antsy


Well-Known Member
I appologize for the bump but I thought I would get a few more responses than this. I thought RIU was kind of promoting Nirvana Shop because they were reliable? Anyone else have any issue getting things into the U.S. from them?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
my order from nirvana was picked off by customs last year dr. chronic seeds were crushed by postal service its hard to say ,its a gamble trust your gut and go with it, personally i'd work out my grow issues with the bag seed before i dropped $40.oo on some magic beans....JMO


Well-Known Member
Lowryders are the best for small area... Attitude seed, BC seed king(Canada)...Skunkhouse(UK) I got them in 4 days.. dope-seed. also UK I think..