My first grow....let me know what you think

How do you think my plant have done in 7 days

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:grin:I'm a proud momma of 5 baby clones; #2 XJ-13, #1 White Widow, #1Pineapple Express, and #1 Cherry Kush

So I got my girls a week ago and they've gone through hell but they'er still hanging on. First they came in soil when they were supposed to be in hydro, then it was hot (like 100 ) and the guy who transported them didn't have air, and then I got nute lock out on top of everything and that was the first 24 hours. I put them on H20 of 5.8-6.0 tto stabalize them and by day three noticed that they just didn't seem to be looking all that great. Got a magnifying glass of 100x and saw F***N SPIDER MITES!!! I wanted to cry. The people who had them said they were clear of them but whatever. Anyways, they were shocky so I drenched them in Azamax and hit the res 3 days later with Azamax flush ( for 24 hrs) and foliar spray. They seem to be doing well, a little crunch on the edges of the old leaves.

PE started to have a wonderful smell into 5 days of being with me which makes me hopeful considering she was the one infested with them the most. XJ and CK seemed to be clear of them but I treated everyone. I even put Hot Shot into my grow room and the room itself. They all seem to be sprouting little stems with new growth which is awsome:mrgreen:I'm still gonna treat them every 3 days till tim clear and them maintenance them.

I cleaned the whole room, bleached the res and sterilized the room as much as possible. Let me know if I'm doing anything wrong?right? or what might help.

Here's pictures from day 1 and day 7. Let me know what you think...Ima take a breakbongsmilie

