My CXB3950 Build


Hello everyone,

I just finished my first DIY LED build consisting of:
  • 6x Cree CXB 3590 3500k 36V CD BIN
  • 2x ELG-150-C1400A
  • 6x Arctic Alpine 64Plus CPU cooler
The LEDs are wired in series, the fans are hooked to a six-way fan controller.

Here are some pictures of the bulding process and the finished setup:
IMG_20160218_141838.jpg IMG_20160218_144144.jpg IMG_20160218_144232.jpg IMG_20160219_202351.jpgIMG_20160219_202222.jpg IMG_20160222_142037.jpg IMG_20160222_142004.jpg

Undimmed they draw 344W and the temperature at the cooler is ~50°C (122°F).
Dimmed they draw 110W and the temperature is ~29°C (82°F).

The 344W seems a bit high though, shouldn't they draw ~49W each?


Well-Known Member
Looks great.
Elg might be giving 1.45A-1.5A just like HLG series.
Also add driver efficiency. So that's why 344 w most likely
How did you measure the 'temperature at the cooler'


The ELG are 220-250V input only.
Oh yes totally forgot about the driver efficiency.
I meassured the temp with an infrared thermomether at the side of the cooler.