My 2010 Backyard Organic Garden


Active Member
This is my vegetable garden which is in a mixture of organic compost, bull manuer and native soil. I feed them bio boost vega twice a week. I have squash, assorted peppers, okra, corn, assorted tomato, pineapple sage, eggplant, arugula, cinn basil, grapes, potatoes and onions. I had one last year and it went really well and was super fun to grow. These gardens are also a nice cover for my 1 or 2 plants i grow every season. thanks for any input


Fullmoon kid

Active Member
Yep , that was my boo boo too the first year , planting too close together too many things.This year ive given everything about a 2 foot radius clear space , tomatos and peppers.Maybe a bit more than 2 , closer to 3.It looked a waste of space initially but i see now i get better plants.


Active Member
it's about 12 x 12, i was looking to get a really bushy sparatic garden this year so i could disquise my plants. The one i had last year was in perfect rows and the cannabis was really easy to see. Thanks for the compliment.


it's about 12 x 12, i was looking to get a really bushy sparatic garden this year so i could disquise my plants. The one i had last year was in perfect rows and the cannabis was really easy to see. Thanks for the compliment.

should be enough space.... it just looks more like a 6x6 from the pictures.... regardless, it doesnt really matter, I'm actually a fan of cramped gardens :)


Well-Known Member
Yea cramped gardens look cool anyway, and ya need them for the old rambo grow. I plant crawling breeds such as squash,melons,etc. behind my radishes, by the time the radishes finish, the crawlers are ready to move in. This is my 8th consecutive year growing veggies, and it helps save money in the summer thats for sure, and the fam eats better! Every year I do it it gets just a little better! I feed with superthrive once a week and they do phenomenal! But your garden looks good, keep it up!


Active Member
Yea cramped gardens look cool anyway, and ya need them for the old rambo grow. I plant crawling breeds such as squash,melons,etc. behind my radishes, by the time the radishes finish, the crawlers are ready to move in. This is my 8th consecutive year growing veggies, and it helps save money in the summer thats for sure, and the fam eats better! Every year I do it it gets just a little better! I feed with superthrive once a week and they do phenomenal! But your garden looks good, keep it up!
Much thanks, i enjoy the labor as crazy as it sounds. It makes me feel nostalgic to be that close to something i consume( cannabis, veg, herbs, etc.). Once again thank you and i hope your season is a giving as mine. Be well.


Active Member
Your garden looks nice! I'm sure you look forward to the fresh veggies and fresh herbs are the best way to cook. Your garden made me nostalgic of my garden at another residence. Last season I had two eggplant plants that dominated the garden-- I spaced them out too! I ended with so much eggplant that I was trying to push some off onto friends and coworkers-- which got me some weird looks. Have fun, cheers.


Active Member
Your garden looks nice! I'm sure you look forward to the fresh veggies and fresh herbs are the best way to cook. Your garden made me nostalgic of my garden at another residence. Last season I had two eggplant plants that dominated the garden-- I spaced them out too! I ended with so much eggplant that I was trying to push some off onto friends and coworkers-- which got me some weird looks. Have fun, cheers.
Thats awesome! I had a similar problem with my jalepenos, they would grow so quick it was crazy! My poor brother kept get jalapenos on his front door but it was greatness. I also had one eggplant that produced fairly well. Here is a pic from last season.



Well-Known Member
pineapple sage is the best! that shit smells too damn good! lol like pineapple candy or sumthin! haha


Active Member
:peace:Nice Garden, every grow gets Better, thats for sure. I dont mind Bushy Garden,
Do you prune? Positive Growing !