Mostly a Noob question...but can't find exact answer


Well-Known Member
OK.....I am currently on my first grow in soil, but I have purchased a 3'x3' hydro table with a 40g resi. After my first soil grow completes (probably in July) I intend to start some WW and NL seeds I have in the hydro unit. I am reading all I can on hydro growing, and learning alot. But, I am unsure of one thing. I have some plastic pots to place in the table, 6" rockwool cubes, 1" rockwool cubes, and some hydroton. I asdsume that I do this....please correct me if I am wrong. I sprout the seeds in the 1' cubes until they are about 5" tall. I put hydroton in the bottom of the pots, place the larger rockwool on top of the hydroton, and then set the rockwool with the seedling into the hole in the rockwool in the pot?? I know there is a bit more to it, but is this basically correct?? Then I place the pots directly onto the table and set the pump to fill the table for 30 minutes three times a day with the nutrients, mixed as on the bottle, in increasing strwength incerements? I hope this is all clear...basically...I am just asking how to set the pots up. Please read and advise. Direction to a good hydro growfaq would rock, as well. THANKS!!!!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I believe I can answer your question, but honestly I'm as green as you are at this. Though I believe I have come across research that definatively answers your question. First of all, just as in soil growing, anytime you transplant you are going to put the plant through some kind of shock. So one of the main benefits of being able to sprout seedlings in rockwool is that you don't need to transplant into your hydroponic system, you can just move them and their rockwool cube.

What you can do, rather than transplanting, is to cut approx 1" sq hole in the 6" rockwool cubes and drop the seedlings in the 1" cubes directly into the new medium. Having 1" cubes and 6" cubes is something I haven't seen before (but that's likely just inexperience talking.) As far as I can tell, many people go for the 3" cubes so that they can germinate and flower in the same cube -- no x-plant required.


Well-Known Member
I have 1" and 6" squares. I was going to sprout in the 1" squares, then set them into the 6" squares in the hydroton inside the pots.....I think this is correct. or, do I just sprout in the 1" squares and place them into the pots full of hydroton?? I want to have all this figured out before I start.I just ordered the book "Marijuana Hydroponics: High Tech water Culture" by Daniel storm, so maybe it will help as well. anyone on here read it?? It was recommended on the site, so I chose it. It will be a few months before I start the hydro plants anyway, so I have time to learn...just want to get as much info as I can. Thanks meta for the help!


Well-Known Member
I have 1" and 6" squares. I was going to sprout in the 1" squares, then set them into the 6" squares in the hydroton inside the pots.....I think this is correct. or, do I just sprout in the 1" squares and place them into the pots full of hydroton??
Well, it really shouldn't matter one way or the other. But be sure you take the plastic off the 1" cubes before you put them into any other medium...and likewise for the 6" cubes if you decide to put them into the hydroton.

I want to have all this figured out before I start.I just ordered the book "Marijuana Hydroponics: High Tech water Culture" by Daniel storm, so maybe it will help as well. anyone on here read it?? It was recommended on the site, so I chose it. It will be a few months before I start the hydro plants anyway, so I have time to learn...just want to get as much info as I can.
I haven't read that, myself... but please let us know if it turns out a worthwhile investment!

Thanks meta for the help!
Quite welcome, sir! Anything I can do to help out! :)