More Stupid Questions from Cheesey


Well-Known Member
So, I'm looking at doing an Aero or DWC grow............And I was wondering about how to incorporate Co2 into the mix.......One of the problems a lot of growers have with a Co2 tank is with all the air circulation a lot of that Co2 is wasted.....One way I thought of to combat this would be turn off the in and outtake fans while lights were out, and turn the Co2 on then.......that way more of it stays in the room.

Then I thought of something stupid............So, a lot of DWC guys are hooking up "air machines" (for lack of the technical term)...........and I thought why not hook up the Co2 tank in the water as well (not the tank itself..........but a line from it, from which the Co2 emits)?

Yes, I'm fucking stupid........why not put the Co2 in the water with the O2 as well? Say you have a DWC.........and you're pumping in 02 into the water all the time............well, why not put the Co2 on a timer and pump it in the water as well every 15 min..............or whatever....5 min, 3 hours.........

I await mocking laughter, and general finger pointing.......


Well-Known Member
Co2 only helps with the light on. Co2 and water make carbonic want the co2 on the pant not in the water/roots.