Mite problems, Help!!! Pics posted


I have been having mite problems for about one month now, even though it seems forever. I have tried a few major insecticides like azatrol, neem oil, and a new product called sns17. I also did a full bleach wipe down of the growing area before use of a few of them. A few of the insecticides have seemed to work for the first few days then they just go back to infested. Oh and I also had bought a few ladybugs which just seem to disappear. So after all my work I still can't get rid of these fuckers, any input would be greatly appreciated.
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Active Member
try no pest strips they work after about a week all the mites and eggs should be dead,


Just looked it up and man I can believe i hadn't heard of this before. Every review says nothing but good things, I'm already on my way to purchase it. Thanks a lot Nog.