Midbies Central?


Active Member
Each time I log in to Rollitup I can almost taste the sense of frustration that your experts must feel, when asked the same questions over and over.
I think the most common reply I've seen is "checkout Newbies Central."
Which I must say is a great place to start.

Right then, now that we know which end of the plant goes into the ground,
and that they like Water, light, and nutes.
It's time to visit the Experts again, Only now we openly dispute and challenge their advise. because "I read an article that said..." or "My buddy has been growing for two hundred years and he says..." and worst of all some of us (I won't say who) are now offering "advise" that could potentially harm plants. Just enough knowledge to be dangerous.

So I propose 'Midbies central': A place where the "Half Informed" could read up on,and perhaps discuss the semi finer points of Growing. Without pummeling the Experts with the Next column of "Too frequently asked questions."

I am perfectly happy with Rollitup as is, However I thought this idea might spare you nice people a headache or two.

thank you Rollitup for the wealth of Growing knowledge that I've managed to absorb, and for what I've been able to do with it.

Best regards.
expert smoker, midbie soil grower, newbie Hydro Grower
and proud member of Rollitup.Org