Medical Marijuana Facility Raided by DEA (Lansing, MI)

Hey guys just wanted to let you know about this. DEA is back to raiding medical marijuana grows that are legal by state law. IT's a bit worse this time cause it hits close to home.

Sunday, December 5,2010 Here come the Feds

The federal Drug Enforcement Agency cleans out a medical marijuana growing facility in Okemos

by Andy Balaskovitz [FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]This story was corrected Dec. 5.[/FONT]

[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Thursday, Dec. 2 — The federal Drug Enforcement Agency has raided a medical marijuana grow facility in Okemos. The man leasing space at the facility says the plant numbers were within the state’s medical marijuana law.

Ryan Basore, owner of Capital City Caregivers at 2208 E. Michigan Ave., also leases the 3,000-square-foot industrial facility that was raided at 2360 Jolly Oak Road in Okemos on Tuesday. Basore said other tri-county police departments participated in the raid but not Ingham County or Meridian Township police.

Basore said the DEA “took everything,” including growing equipment, 40 plants and roughly $20,000 worth of plant nutrients. Six caregivers leasing facility space from Basore owned the plants.

As both a medical marijuana patient and a caregiver, Basore can legally possess up to 72 plants himself, he said. A patient may have 12 plants and a caregiver may have up to 60.

Basore said he believes the raid stemmed from a neighbor’s complaint about the growing operation.

Special Agent Rich Isaacson, a public information officer at the DEA’s Detroit branch, confirmed today that a federal search warrant was executed Tuesday night at the facility near the intersection of Okemos and Jolly roads.

He would not comment further on the raid because the case is under investigation.

However, he said the DEA does not differentiate between “medical marijuana and marijuana” when it comes to “large-scale drug trafficking groups.”

“That being said, people following state law will not be targeted,” Isaacson said. “We are not utilizing our resources on folks that are following state law.”

The DEA recognizes cannabis as a Schedule 1 drug, along with the likes of heroin, LSD and ecstasy, claiming it has no medicinal use.

In 2008, 63 percent of Michigan voters disagreed and passed the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act as a state ballot initiative.

Basore expressed concern about not getting back confiscated plants and equipment. He said the DEA has kept confiscated items in raids that did result in arrests in other states where medical marijuana was also legal.

Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero, interim Lansing Police Chief Teresa Szymanski and State Reps. George Cushingberry Jr. and Fred Durhal Jr., both Detroit Democrats,' about the matter. He said they are all “upset.”

He said roughly 60 law enforcement vehicles were at the scene Tuesday night. Basore added that a black SUV had been staking out the site for about “three to four months.”

U.S. Federal Judge Joseph Scoville from Michigan’s Western District in Grand Rapids signed a search warrant Nov. 24 to seize a host of cannabis-related materials at Basore’s facility.

This incident is likely to draw the attention from groups who say the federal government is overstepping its boundaries when it comes to medical marijuana, which is allowed in 13 other states besides Michigan.

“We’ll see. It’s going to get interesting,” Basore said.

Basore is in the process of putting together a legal team to fight the case.


Well-Known Member
I almost feel safer growing and not being a medical patient.

At least no one knows about it so it's harder to get in trouble.

And no one ever will unless the Federal Gov. changes things.

Being a card holder just gives them a name and location to bust you.


Well-Known Member
What I don't get, is when over 2/3 of a state population are in favor of something, but yet the feds step in and say "no".

This isn't 51% of the country telling the other 49% what to do, the super majority is being told what to do by the minority. 200 years ago, we wouldn't of hesitated to pick up our muskets and push these assholes into the ocean. Why can't we even get enough support to vote these fucking leaders that pull this shit out of office? No one wants to change a damn thing it seems.


Well-Known Member
I almost feel safer growing and not being a medical patient.

At least no one knows about it so it's harder to get in trouble.

And no one ever will unless the Federal Gov. changes things.

Being a card holder just gives them a name and location to bust you.
I've been feeling this way since I got my card, like all it did was draw a target on my back.


What I don't get, is when over 2/3 of a state population are in favor of something, but yet the feds step in and say "no".

This isn't 51% of the country telling the other 49% what to do, the super majority is being told what to do by the minority. 200 years ago, we wouldn't of hesitated to pick up our muskets and push these assholes into the ocean. Why can't we even get enough support to vote these fucking leaders that pull this shit out of office? No one wants to change a damn thing it seems.
This is not 200 years ago,It seems kinda silly to think who we vote for will be elected.Take little ''Bush'',we didnt vote him in and he still got office.Until they can achive profits and ''hush'' money herb will never be legal.Thier is to much money involved from "BIG PHARM" to let that happen .If made legal Lilly or some other big company out scorced by the fed will be growing,and poisioning us even more.IMO


Well-Known Member
This is not 200 years ago,It seems kinda silly to think who we vote for will be elected.Take little ''Bush'',we didnt vote him in and he still got office.Until they can achive profits and ''hush'' money herb will never be legal.Thier is to much money involved from "BIG PHARM" to let that happen .If made legal Lilly or some other big company out scorced by the fed will be growing,and poisioning us even more.IMO
Well then to the smokers who are stupid enough to buy it, thats their problem. Because if they are so blind to have lived through prohibition, and then it be legalized and then go down to the store to buy product grown by a corporation that funded the drug war in years past that supported smokers being locked in cages, the well they are a fucking brain dead loser.

I actually do as much research as I can to find out who and what is supporting who and what before I buy ANYTHING, I'm just that way, saves me alot of money too because it allows me to shop around quite a bit. Its tough because alot of things we "need" are made by companies that support the drug war or information can be hard to obtain on a companies political agenda as most remain silent in the public eye, but we do the best we can.

Your words give me this visual of a person standing in the corner with their palms up feeling defeated and that there is nothing to do.

Grow a pair, and when it's legalized only support local farmers.

But you are correct, the voters are no longer choosing the leaders, corporations are with their money and the greedy lead the blind.


Well then to the smokers who are stupid enough to buy it, thats their problem. Because if they are so blind to have lived through prohibition, and then it be legalized and then go down to the store to buy product grown by a corporation that funded the drug war in years past that supported smokers being locked in cages, the well they are a fucking brain dead loser.

I actually do as much research as I can to find out who and what is supporting who and what before I buy ANYTHING, I'm just that way, saves me alot of money too because it allows me to shop around quite a bit. Its tough because alot of things we "need" are made by companies that support the drug war or information can be hard to obtain on a companies political agenda as most remain silent in the public eye, but we do the best we can.

Your words give me this visual of a person standing in the corner with their palms up feeling defeated and that there is nothing to do.

Grow a pair, and when it's legalized only support local farmers.

But you are correct, the voters are no longer choosing the leaders, corporations are with their money and the greedy lead the blind.
I think you misunderstand the intent behind my post,For MANY years I have only supported local growers,I know what go's in to the meds I am smoking on!I made that Choice when presented with some simple facts long ago.''You are what you eat'' I will continue to support the peeps that support our peeps!Thank you for the "grow a pair" comment If we all would things would get better for "the common man" and the feds would lose the grip they hve on our nation.But if you belive that shit will happen with out them getting their pockets lined you must wake up!As old A.J. say's ''The answer to 1984 is 1776".Taking the POWER back is not going to be easy.
