Math check

Hello everyone.

I am currently designing a small cabinet to grow in. I am asking a few obvious questions but I dont want to waste money and materials due to incorrect calculations.

On the intake I am planning to fit a HEPA filter but no intake fan and I am wondering how much this will affect my grow? Want to use a exhaust fan large enough to compensate for no intake fan.

I have calculated the airflow requirements as below and just need to know whether it is accurate and sufficient.
Interior dimensions as follows:
L: 650 mm (25 1/2")
W: 450 mm ( 17 2/3")
H: 1060mm ( 41 2/3")
Total volume = 0.31 m3 (10.95 ft3)

At one airchange a minute that gives me a minimum Fan requirement of
0.31 m3 X 60 = 18.6m3 per hr
lets round it off to 19 m3 (671cft)

Then I add 35% (6.65m3)[235cft]
to allow for the use of a carbon filter

Also adding 20% (3.8m3)[ 134cft]
to compensate for not having an intake fan

And lastly adding another 35% (6.65m3) [235cf] to compensate for the HEPA filter on the intake...

This gives me a total of 36.1m3 (1274cft) for the fan to move in an hour in order to change out the air once every minute.

Am I then correct in assuming that
thusly I would need a fan with a rating of at least 36.1m3/hr
1274cft per hour /60 minutes = 21.3cfm ??

I will be using one 150W CFL growlight and will not grow more than two plants in a DWC-LP -aeroponic hybrid system.I may possibly upgrade to another 150W CFL in future.

I have grown outdoors but am new to indoor growing and want to have a small cabinet to sustain me during winter.

I have the following questions:

> Will I have sufficient airflow with the fan calculations as above to skip a circulation fan as my space is limited?

>How do I calculate the size of the intake?

> Can I adjust the intake/ extraction hole size ratio in order to compensate for the lack of a circulating fan?

Any help or advice is appreciated.