male plants

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hi pan..

I dont know and I don't know if I believe any of the techniques that are OUT THERE..

I have heard temperature is a key factor and some people say there is a spray you can purchase that will significantly increase your chances of getting females...

I wish I could be more help



Uses the Rollitup profile
Well, I don't know if they are predisposed or not, if they are then outside influences can change them, and I don't know about any of that stuff from a seedbank, either. For certain I do know that if you interrupt the dark cycle for an hour during flowering, you will delay maturity, so that doesn't lend much credence to the other things listed.

That said, the best thing to do is grow a healthy plant. And that means to give the plant enough room to grow, especially room for the taproot to grow downward. Y'know, with a seed plant, the taproot will grow down more quickly than the plant grows above soil. If you crowd that root, or impede it from growing downward, it could signal to the plant to express male. So don't crowd the roots. Do you have at least 6 inches for the roots to grow down?

HTH :mrgreen:


New Member
Predisposed is a fairly strong word. It implies that this is the sex the seed will turn out to be... in all likelyhood. Although this also implies that the sex can be changed the odds reside very favourably in the opposite direction. I agree that the sex could be changed, but even if you found one method once, there is no guarantee it would work again. I doubt you could risk entire crops to such unstable methods.