Making own feminised seeds


Active Member
It is known that a female has the genes that if she is stressed and has not been pollinated then she will put out a few male flowers to pollinate herself. The ease or difficulty with which this stress is done, may determine whether she will behave like a hermie. I find that for myself, if I subject her to very strong lighting conditions, really push the light intensity, and heat, such as putting a fully bloomed female under 16 hours of light, 8 darkness regimen, and letting the temperature go up to about 90 degrees or so, the plant feels that she is close to getting killed by the conditions and she will go into a huge male bloom. Seeds obtained this way are feminized. Alternatively, I use less stress, she only puts out a few male flowers, and you get some seeds, about 60 per plant, not bushels full, and you have a nice stash of female seeds for yourself, as well as a nice stash of pot. Let her ripen so the seeds are nicely mature, and the pot will be extremely potent.
Fooling around with the light cycle, I have done this like 20 hours light, 12 hours dark, 20 hours light, etc will also stress her into pollinating herself, and will result in
huge yields, since you have doubled the ratio of light to dark, and still provided the dark period necessary to convert the phytochrome red to Pfr, and keep her in a nice
female bloom. Interrupting the dark period like you show, I would recommend less, because this will throw her back into vegetative, and lessen the yield considerably.

The above post is for entertainment purposes only. I did get busted, and am not allowed to grow pot anymore, and only grow roses and such. However, at one time I had lots of feminised seeds, that were all confiscated by LEO.


Active Member
Oh, and to answer your question whether they all will go bloom male, this is as you suggest, some females go more easily into male bloom than others, such as certain strains of White Widow.

The above post is for entertainment purposes only, since I do not grow pot, and do
not advocate breaking the law.


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot, thats really helpful. So if i put my 25 day flowering plants into the crazy light cycle they will still produce male sacks? How many days would it take for this to happen? This is my first grow and i dont want to ruin my great progress so far but my own feminised seeds would save me a bundle. + rep for you


Well-Known Member
or you could just buy some of that male hormone stuff and turn one branch male without affecting the whole plant.


Active Member
That male hormone stuff is called gibberyllic acid. They talk about it all the time, but I don't know where you can get the stuff.
As far as light cycle manipulation goes, you might try 20 hours of light, 12 hours dark, 20 on, even 11 off cycle for 10 days since you say your plants are 25 days into full bloom. Make sure to use a max/min thermometer, and watch that they don't totally dry out and die on you. Also watch the growing tips to make sure you don't reveg her. I recommend this a lot more than breaking up the night cycle, because that is almost guaranteed to re veg her. (look up google for photomorphogenesis,
phytochrome red and such). I always prefer to have my own seeds. I may even
put aside a male a crosspollinate to get standard seeds, but it is more convenient
if the female does some feminized for me.

the above post is for entertainment purposes only as I do not grow pot and do
not advocate breaking the law.


Well-Known Member
ive tryed this and it works i used venus hybred f2, i tryed this summer, ive still got most of the seeds, grew 3 they were all female, but some say its a gamble 50 hermie and 50 female, but when you have a hermie and dont want one , they can fuck a full crop up. anyway good luck, it worked when i tryed it, in my opinion, plants that are in seed, take a week or two longer, seeds are ready when they start falling off, when you shake the plant a little,when this happenes the seeds are ready, then you can smoke the rest of the buds when youve removed all the seeds, dont smoke any unformed hermie seeds, they give you bad headace, wait till there ready.


Well-Known Member
So before i go and try this, any big reason why i might not want to do this? I just really dont want to ruin my grow. And what are the chances or why do the seeds sometimes go hermie 50% of the time. Thats no better than regular seeds being male 50% of the time.


Well-Known Member
a clone i had taken finally looks like itll grow so i will be seeding it instead. When changing it to flowering should i give it a while to get into flowering or should i start with the light poisoning from the beginning?


Active Member
That's a pretty small plant you've got, I like to let mine grow at least a couple
of feet tall, and get into well established budding flowering phase. After a certain point
she almost gets locked in and it's hard to get her out of flowering. If you "poison" the
light system too soon, she will go back into vegetative. Personally I wouldn't use this type of "poisoning" because it will cause the plant to revert to vegetative, and you will decrease your final harvest. Using my method gives male flowers, but will also INCREASE the yield, and has no danger of reverting to vegetative phase. Wait about 4 weeks into budding, then give it really long cycles, like 24 hours on, 12 off, and this kind of
stress will make a few (very few)male flowers come out, but they have lots of pollen
so they can fertilize a bunch of buds. It really is kind of a dangerous game, but I find in my experience that I will invariably get seeds, even if the male flowers are not very obvious, or even if they are very rare, even if they are so rare I didn't even notice they were there. It's even better if you have several females, and only one of them gets a few male flowers. You need to use a very delicate grower's touch because it is possible to overdo it. Observe your plants very carefully and closely, so you can spot the first male flower, and then immediately stop fooling with the lights and this should give you a nice bag of feminized seed, and very good harvest of pot as well. The 24 hour light cycles will result in a lot of added weight.

As far as hermies go, by letting your females go into full bud for 4 weeks, and carefully watch them during this time to see if any form male flowers under a 12/12
regimen, then you can weed out the hermies, and be left with true females that will breed true female from seed and not hermie.
The above post is for entertainment purposes only, as I do not grow pot and do not advocate breaking the law.


Well-Known Member
I want to keep her very small, and the clone would be for seed purpose only, oc if some bud can be used as well...
Great help once again