Light Mildew: spray Hydrogen P or Milk?


Well-Known Member
So my plant has started showing what im pretty sure is a little mildew on leaves here and there, not much but its increasing. i am pretty darn sure it isnt spider mites, the bottom of the leaves look fine everywhere, no mites or specks or spots of any kind. Another reason i think it is mildew is i close my closet for the dark period of flowering, and there is no fan or anything running. although it is far from airtight, i figure the lack of circulation and mostly closed environment during dark time has made a little mildew develop.

so anyways, i searched for solutions and i find two easy ones people have used: hydrogen peroxide diluted and sprayed on, and non fat milk being diluted and sprayed on.
which would be better, if any, for my problem? any experiences or thoughts appreciated!



New Member
I think I got the same problem... I think i dont have enough circualtion because when I water my plants, the soil stays plenty damp for days.