Light Cycle


Active Member
I want to start my plants indoors but under natural sunlight in the window sill, i want to do this because it will strengthen my plants enough before they are put in a complete outdoor climate. i was wondering if it will shock my plants when i do put them out dorss but most of all i am wondering when the hours will be right so i can prep grow in the window sill. also would a small box frame with some plastic transparent wraping around the walls work for a climate adjusting seedling. i think it would considering i seen people in humbolt county do so. please reply.

THANKYOU for your replies


Active Member
You can aclimate your plants by caring them outside for a few hours each day and then steadily lengthen the time by leaving them out there a little loger each time and they should do just fine.


Active Member
Growing plants indoors in the fashion you'er talking about can almost be compared to a greenhouse. The area is heated as it is inside, but the window pane allows for the transfusion of uv rays. Anywho, when I worked in greenhouses what we would do for the baby plants is after they got like to week 2 or 3 is to start rolling up the sides. The sides of the greenhouse would be up about a foot or two allowing the plants to acclimate to the climate. If you're up in NY I doubt it'd be good to put those bad boys outside yet, and even in a week or two, it was 50 here almost 60 today. But I'm not sure what's going on with the weather.


Well-Known Member
Haxman is correct about conditioning plants to smooth transition to outdoors.

I would also put plant in window for direct sun light only, and then move it to alternate bright light source indoors for best growth prep for outdoors.
The bigger the plant, the bigger your yield.


Active Member
That was kind of what i was thinking, my earth science teacher once explained to me that your window works like a green house and the benefits of a greenhouse. Also adjusting to the climate sounds great even though it would be common sense once its time o do so, i was prolly to stoned to think of futureactions. HA. better to kno now so i dont forget when its time and just fuck everyhting up.
