Light and setup questions.


Active Member
I'm a little new as far as gardening is concerned. I started growing my first plant maybe a week and a half ago. It's already sprouting out of the soil. I have a cfl light on it right now. I've read a bunch of threads and articles on lights but i still have a few questions. So I guess I'll get right to em. Is it even possible to grow a plant completely on cfl lights? I've read a few articles on LED lights, is a possible to use the cfl in the beginning and then switch to an LED? I'm only asking because i'm low on cash and i'm trying to find a cheap way to grow my plant. Preferably, the cheapest. I'm only growing one plant right now, and thats another reason who I don't want to buy a HPS or a MH light. I feel like it'd be a waste just for one plant. But i'm not sure. Like I said i'm new to this. But I love "plants". lol. So any advice/tips/answers would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
yes you can definitely grow from start to finish with CFLs. you want a color spectrum of 6500 K for vegetative, and 2700K for flowering. as for LEDs, i havent read anything and have no experience. the more lumens you have, the more you will produce, btw.


Active Member
buy lights that either are specifically labeled for said spectrums.. at most lawn and garden or hardware shops they have growing lights that are clearly labeled as to the spectrum they produce.