Letter to my Member of Parliament


Well-Known Member
Here's a letter I sent my MP the other day. I don't expect a response, or a very negative one based on previous interactions, but point made. Feel free to use it or part of it to send to your MP regardless of party. Lets force legalization to be a huge election issue.
I am writing as a constituent concerned at the the Harper Governments' failure to recognize and accept the will of the majority of it's citizens, and it's eagerness to enact laws and punishments that directly conflict with what society deems appropriate. I am talking about the issue of marijuana legalization which most Canadians support and many jurisdictions worldwide already allow. I am not a fan of the Liberal Party or Justin Trudeau, but I find that the Conservative Party's relentless, slanderous attacks are a disgusting display of desperate politics. I am asking you, as our representative in Ottawa, to poll your constituents on their views on ending prohibition and respect their answer. Rather than ridiculing a leader for bringing about a long over due discussion, a more intelligent approach may be to ask those who will be responsible for your continued employment if this is an issue that is important to them. I think you will find that Canadian's attitude around cannabis has changed and continued prohibition is perceived as oppressive and an attack on our personal freedom. Before you reply with the 'save the kids' argument in support of prohibition, google the number of teens killed by alcohol related accidents .I will cast my ballot for the candidate I think will best represent me and not the party leader.


Well-Known Member
Very well written.

This weekend in a Whitehorse a 16 yr old girl was drunk and blew a red. An oncoming oil truck impacted them at the intersection - 2 dead, 1 in a vegetative state and the driver had minor injuries. Her life is over as well I would think.


Well-Known Member
Very well written.

This weekend in a Whitehorse a 16 yr old girl was drunk and blew a red. An oncoming oil truck impacted them at the intersection - 2 dead, 1 in a vegetative state and the driver had minor injuries. Her life is over as well I would think.
I read about that...sad.


Well-Known Member
They went to school with one of my kids...the driver would have gone into gr 11. Like holy fuck what is it going to take for parents and kids to wake up and see how this shit is killing our families? This happened at 3 in the morning. What were those kids doing out at that hour? In my house, I expect my kids to be home at a reasonable hour and if they're not, they best be picking up that expensive cell phone I bought them and splainin' where they are. This incident has really hit me hard for some reason....I made my kids promise that no matter where they were they would never get into a vehicle with someone who's been drinking any amount and to call us. I guess I don't have much to complain about- one is into computer games and doesn't go out much and the other is a diabetic so alcohol isn't really on the table for him. Now do they want to do drugs? Apparently they have better things to do with their money and I'm glad.


Well-Known Member
My 'kids' are 21 and 24 and I still worry. You hope they are smart enough, but then you look back on some of the stupid shit we pulled when I was young...scarey!


Well-Known Member
My 'kids' are 21 and 24 and I still worry. You hope they are smart enough, but then you look back on some of the stupid shit we pulled when I was young...scarey!
Oh absolutely...growing up in the part of Hamilton I did...I should have been dead twice over for some of the shit I pulled. But it's just not like that today..geez we had mushrooms, and LSD, and pot....stayed away from everything else cause I was a chicken shit...now it's a pharmacy in the park or wherever. Mine are 14 and 16 and they've been exposed to pot and beer in house and minimally at that. Sorry for high jacking your thread.


Well-Known Member
Barton and Sherman


The driver was a minor, and the kid that was veg is now serious but stable 20year old (did he buy it???) and 15 yr old dead. So because she's a minor does that mean she can't be held accountable? Her parents? What a tragedy. I think I'm going to use your letter as my template to send a letter to our cons. mp and just remind him of this disaster. Thanks, Chris, I may not be doing anything but I feel like speaking up is the on,y thing I can do right now.


Well-Known Member
barton and Sherman or wellington or Kenilworth st has the fire depot? I lived on the corner before I moved to bc ten yrs ago. ill never go back to that whole.
if you want to kiss a girl were it stinks,,,,
take her to Hamilton lmfao

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Nice letter Chris
And imagine that liquor is legal and MJ isn't...baffles my mind at the stupidity that abounds in this world. From what I know there is very little education of early teens in school on alcohol and it's problems. Unfortunately won't be the last time this happens.


Well-Known Member
Here's a letter I sent my MP the other day. I don't expect a response, or a very negative one based on previous interactions, but point made. Feel free to use it or part of it to send to your MP regardless of party. Lets force legalization to be a huge election issue.
I am writing as a constituent concerned at the the Harper Governments' failure to recognize and accept the will of the majority of it's citizens, and it's eagerness to enact laws and punishments that directly conflict with what society deems appropriate. I am talking about the issue of marijuana legalization which most Canadians support and many jurisdictions worldwide already allow. I am not a fan of the Liberal Party or Justin Trudeau, but I find that the Conservative Party's relentless, slanderous attacks are a disgusting display of desperate politics. I am asking you, as our representative in Ottawa, to poll your constituents on their views on ending prohibition and respect their answer. Rather than ridiculing a leader for bringing about a long over due discussion, a more intelligent approach may be to ask those who will be responsible for your continued employment if this is an issue that is important to them. I think you will find that Canadian's attitude around cannabis has changed and continued prohibition is perceived as oppressive and an attack on our personal freedom. Before you reply with the 'save the kids' argument in support of prohibition, google the number of teens killed by alcohol related accidents .I will cast my ballot for the candidate I think will best represent me and not the party leader.
E-mails - WORK. Especially if you send A LOT of them...

THESE are how I got picked to be one of the 18 delegates from Thunder Bay to go to Markham for the Liberal party delegates meeting:

Response to Liberal Party message about donation where they asked MY view on the Liberal party and why I became a member:

July 17th, 2014

Hello (Person who generates automatic responses to members of the Liberal party)!

I am POOR! hahaha. I would very much like to donate as much time as I can, but money - I cannot help you with. I owe the bank, and OSAP, a lot!

I became a liberal, because I hate what the Conservative government is doing to Medical Marijuana Patients (MMJ).

I want to do everything I can before the 2015 election, to spread the word about the benefits of MMJ, and how horribly badly the Conservative government is messing everything up. For PATIENTS. For SICK PEOPLE.

MMJ saved my life. And if the Conservatives get in power again, they want to take away my medication and possibly throw me in jail.

I don't know if you were just looking for 3 bucks, or if you wanted to know how I felt.

But there it is!

Have a wonderful day!


Sent from my iPad

August 5th, 2014

Hello Vince (Contact name of person I found online - the liberal party volunteers coordinator)

My name is *Yessica, and I have recently signed up online to be a volunteer for the liberal party. I live in Thunder Bay (current river area).

I would like to find out more about the party, and specifically the party in Thunder Bay.

I threw my name in the hat to be one of the delegates to go down to Markham in September. I am not sure how those are chosen. My guess is it would be someone that has contributed a lot to the party.

Or maybe it is new member's looking to gain knowledge and information? If that is the case - THAT'S ME!

I do not have a lot of money, but I do have time and passion. I would like to donate those to the Liberal party.

Thank you for your time,


Sent from my iPad

They don't seem to care how I "talk". So that's nice!