League of Legends - LF Casual Co-Op


Well-Known Member
Been playing league of legends casually since it came out. Only game I play as I don't find much time to game anyway. I'll play at least a match a night. Some days more. Would be cool to que up and game with someone from RIU.

Main Roles

Main Champions
-Ziggs, Brand, Nautilus, Leona, Janna, Veigar, Ahri


League of Legends is a great game, but sometimes I just want to play casually and have fun with other players. That's why I love the Co-op vs. AI mode, where you can team up with other players and face off against bots. It's a low-pressure environment where you can practice your skills, try out new champions, and enjoy the game without worrying about toxicity or competitiveness.


Well-Known Member
Been playing league of legends casually since it came out. Only game I play as I don't find much time to game anyway. I'll play at least a match a night. Some days more. Would be cool to que up and game with someone from RIU.

Main Roles

Main Champions
-Ziggs, Brand, Nautilus, Leona, Janna, Veigar, Ahri
if you ever decide to play dota hit me up. not dota 2 the original one.
I play league!

mid/jg in ranked - fizz, vex, shaco are a few champs I play - currently plat
Also like to play casually as well. Add me at username: Zeeka
Been playing league of legends casually since it came out. Only game I play as I don't find much time to game anyway. I'll play at least a match a night. Some days more. Would be cool to que up and game with someone from RIU.

Main Roles

Main Champions
-Ziggs, Brand, Nautilus, Leona, Janna, Veigar, Ahri
"Your hexplosives are disturbing my research." greetings from Mid my fellow yordle ziggy marley