last two weeks flowering think i messed up?


Well-Known Member
i flushed 3 days ago with plain phd water although i did not check the run out from the drain holes

im confused FLUSHING you flush with water and you leave the run off in the bowls the plants are sat in right ? as this is what im doing.

im not supposed to be chucking the water down the sink untill clear am i?

yesterday the fan malfunctioned

and 3-4 of my tops had loads of dry brown crispy sunleaves and bud leaves
i was angry all my efforts

some pistols had gone deep browner the tips and a bit here and there of the buds had gone crispy dry so i trimmed the fuck out of the few tops took all the brown crispy leaves off best i could the majority of the top is still looking how it should

but im worried today as i dont know weather it was the heat stress yesterday that caused this or scince i have flushed could of the salt build up done this?

as it did happen in a day which the malfunctioned so i put it down to heat stress

they got two weeks left should i trim the dry bits of the tops affected ?? or totally chop the tops affected off now
or just keep flushing and let em go the two weeks i just dont want the tops destroyed


Well-Known Member
Flushing your plants in the last week or two week don't worry about the run off this late in the plants life.i always use tap water ph it to about 5.5 and just feed your plants this worry about the testing the run off during veg and up to the last week or two till you start to flush.i just stop feeding nutes in the last week and put my plants on a 5.5.get looking at the thc see if it's the right coulour rather than worring about the run off.i would be takeing that plant out if there is no air circelation or take them out offthe room and put them were they will recive natural light.if the fan is back up and running just leave them to carry on there last 2 week keep flushing with a ph of around 5.5


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yes you are fine. flushin to harvest you do not have to ph your water. so it chop chop time a, right on congrads


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
your almost finished. i would just leave them be and let it take its corse. this for in you have nothing to worrie about.