K-9 smell bud inside peanut butter?


Well-Known Member
Could you sneak a few nugs past a drug dog if it was in a couple bags with all the air out so you could fold them in half or something and in the center of a big jar of peanut butter?


Well-Known Member
dogs can smell anything, there is no way to truly beat a dog's nose. however...... you can get it by them if it was stuck into the peanut butter within 30 seconds of the dog passing by it, and there was zero residue on either you or the outside of the peanut butter jar (which I doubt many of us could do unless we had just gotten out of the shower.)

but the dog would go nuts trying to eat the peanut butter, defeating the purpose of using it.


Well-Known Member
depends... where's the dog going to be? if it's border don't even think about it

airport... probably could just pocket a couple small buds

but smells diffuse through everything, so if you're trying to hide it in something... no...


Well-Known Member
there are ways to distract the dog, and fool the handler, but you CAN NOT beat the dog's nose, it's impossible. masking does not work.


Active Member
i'll get links to back up what i'm saying but you can beat a dog with properly vacuum sealed product or seal it within pvc pipe with endcaps. Its not the Weed INSIDE the enclosure that the dog smells its really trace amounts of scent particles that you leave on the outside of the enclosure that the dog picks up on. And these can be very very small particles and the dog will bark. Basically the rule of thumb is that if water cant get in the enclosure when u submerge it for some time then smell cant get out. but if you go and smoke a joint and then touch the encloure you've ruined it. if a dog trained for marijuana barks at a package it could be very likely that there is no green whatsover inside, someone that smoked a joint recently may have touched the package and thats what the dog picks up on. when u package up your product you must be extremely clean as in laboratory clean. I always vacuum seal my product then put it inside a pvc pipe and seal the ends with endcaps and pipe glue. then i submerge it and wait for even the smallest bubble... no bubbles? then i soak that badboy in ammonia for an hour. while its soaking i CLEAN UP scrub my hands good wash my clothes i clean the area very well until it smells so clean it hurts... get the idea? i have been pulled over and have had a dog sniff on my contraption and it passed right over it.. you gotta be clean i cant stress it enough. like i said though i'll post links on articles that helped me find this knowledge.

PS... you can practice by sealing some nice meat on the inside and trying it on your own dog... campers use the same methods when hiding food from bears thier noses are badass for things like fruit