Ist grow questions and concerns


Active Member
Hello this is my first grow. Will include pics. 5 weeks in. Bagseed. I am really just looking for input my plant looks different than most other pics I have seen of plants it looks wider is this good. Also I have already trimmed the bottom set of 3 blade leaves and the 1st set of five blade leaves they were really close to the bottom of the plant they were yellow and dieing is this o.k. Also notice next set of fan leaves are dieing. I am growing with cfls 4 20watt and 1 26 watt for side lighting and 1 46watt and 2 26 watt an inch or 2 from the top. I have a fan in the room. I water every 2 days and feed once a week or less. I was planning on going 12/12 in about a week. My main concerns are the leaves I cut and the ones still yellowing. and does the plant look O.K. in general. And is alright to go 12/12 soon. Any input would be much appriciated. I am learning. I statrted with 3 but my lights fell on two of them overnight. learned to fix lights better right away.
Attached Thumbnails



Active Member
Plant looks ok, but is possible showing some nut. burn, thats what the tips look like to me anyway. Tips that curl down in that way mean either heat stress, which doesnt seem the case with clfs, or nutrient burn. What kind of nutrients are you applying and how much how often? Its natural for the bottom leaves to die and fall off some, its fine if you just cut them away, if the yellowing begins to continue up the plant then you could have a problem though.


Active Member
Plant looks ok, but is possible showing some nut. burn, thats what the tips look like to me anyway. Tips that curl down in that way mean either heat stress, which doesnt seem the case with clfs, or nutrient burn. What kind of nutrients are you applying and how much how often? Its natural for the bottom leaves to die and fall off some, its fine if you just cut them away, if the yellowing begins to continue up the plant then you could have a problem though.
im using all purpose miracle grow it is 12-4-8 following the directions for house plants feeding once a week or longer sometimes though im using cfls i have alot for one plant and keep them really close i did get a couple spots on one leaf and firgured it was a nute burn but then i was doubling the nute mix i put on 12/12 on 4-30-09 I can see calyx on the nodes but cant differentiate weather or not it is a boy or girl


Active Member
You won't be able to tell for about a week, takes some time for the plant to realize that its time to flower.


Well-Known Member
im using all purpose miracle grow it is 12-4-8 following the directions for house plants feeding once a week or longer sometimes though im using cfls i have alot for one plant and keep them really close i did get a couple spots on one leaf and firgured it was a nute burn but then i was doubling the nute mix i put on 12/12 on 4-30-09 I can see calyx on the nodes but cant differentiate weather or not it is a boy or girl
its really easy to burn your plants with mg fertilizer, bottom line. also if you have been folllowing the dose for house plants there is your burn problem right there, i use all FF organic nuets and literally just started giving them just shy of the recommended full dose today. spend a few bucks for organic nuets they are so much more forgiving than their non-organic counterparts and i like the results i get from them


Active Member
It hasn't yellowed any more than in the pics a few days ago i did notice that the ones that are yellowing are way under the canopy maybe not enough light, but I have lights on the top and running up and down the sides maybe like supahighfly said its just natural it seems natural and the plant is healthy other than that and the curling tips. About the nutes what ratio of nutes should I use for flowering and where do you get organic nutes


Active Member
Well I cut of the yellow leaves off today when I watered drain water was more yellow than usual the preflowers look different on each node the very bottom one looks like a little ball on a little stick but other look different maybe a hermie if it is a hermie can I pluck the seed bunches or cut off that stem and still have the rest seedless?


Active Member
Well I cut of the yellow leaves off today when I watered drain water was more yellow than usual the preflowers look different on each node the very bottom one looks like a little ball on a little stick but other look different maybe a hermie if it is a hermie can I pluck the seed bunches or cut off that stem and still have the rest seedless?
Yeah man try cutting the pollen sacks off with a razor. I did this on my hermie almost 4 weeks ago and seems to have worked. Goodluck bud.


Active Member
Well here is the latest pics of my plant if anyone cares no more problem with yellow leaves but the leaves are still curled at the end 6 days into flowering and I am still not totally sure of the sex

