is this right?


Active Member
when it was time to cut her down, i cut off some of the buds and put them in a jar. is this the right way to cure, for good tasting smoke?


Well-Known Member
depends on temp and humidity. hang til they are crunchy on the outside. you will think they are too dry, then put in jar and moisture from inside will even out, believe me leaving them too wet is worst thing to do. they will look awful


Well-Known Member
No, hang them to dry in a dry, dark place until they are crispy on the outside. Then you can put them into mason jars and once a day let the cover off for about 15 minutes to let the gasses out. Then after a while you open them once ever 2 days, then once ever week, etc. (for a long, complete cure) For more in-depth descriptions look up drying/curing guides. The drying/curing period is EXTREMELY important for quality bud so don't pull up short here!