is it enough light?


Well-Known Member
That is definately enough light for one plant. The spectrum (4100K) is awesome, and if you can get a reflector you'll be able to get an impressive single plant. A better question would be how big is your grow area? Let me know and I'll help you out

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
For the Seedlings, 18-24 inches away (you could go as high as 30). Vegetative and Flowering, 12-18 inches. Those are the guidelines, but always check by placing your hand over your plants for a minute or two and if your hand gets hot or burned, your plants surely will too. Remember they are living and watch them, they will let you know if they need something

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
3-6" if you use an air cooled hood. This will greatly increase your yield by providing more usable light to the plant.


New Member
do urslef a favor..go to walgreens,or home depot,or any other store thats worth being called a store...get some 26w cfls...DAYLIGHT spectrum!! veg under these..dont use that bullshit light


Well-Known Member
I veg under 42w and 26w CFLs both 6500k and 2700k spectrums to get ample amounts of blues and reds. CFLs are cheap and can be used through the whole grow. I'm finishing off a plant now with only 4 26w 2700k bulbs in a 2x2x4 space (l-w-h). That MH bulb will cost you more money in cooling that is for sure, that thing will run hot unless you have an aircooled hood, which is another additional cost. Grab lighting in your price range, make sure there's enough lumens for you're area, and grow.

KC : leaf:


Well-Known Member
If you choose to use CFLs, positioning is everything. The light emitted reaches unusable amounts in just a few inches. You should use many of them, very close and distributed around the entire canopy, not just above.