Interesting use of fog, earl check this out


Active Member
Freaky Tomato

I started some seeds in rockwool around a month or two ago, i neglected them severely, let them dry out, never gave them light.... you know the complete opposite way of growing.

Anycase, i decided about a week to drop them in my japanese laceleaf cloner ( essentially the fog mists the leaves and stems via a fan) and see how they develop fully immersed in fog on both top and bottom. I have never seen anything like this, the roots formed on the sides of the stem rather than dropping down through the rockwool?!? Easier path? Stem to leggy? No idea, but amazing!!

If you had any doubts about using fog as the root delivery system this goes to show that you that you could grow roots out of the entire plant if you kept it immersed with fog and a little bit of light. As a propagation method this technology is amazing



Uses the Rollitup profile
If I remember my botany correctly, those are called adventicious roots.

And those are some nice ones, too. :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
I have to say that,
I never disputed fog could grow roots.

But it will not grow a plant to maturity.

You must transfer to another method to make budz.

I would also suggest that you stop using rockwool.

For aerocloning, neopreme is the new, best practice.