If i moved how to get patients?


Active Member
Alright so currently i live in a state where growing is NOT allowed. I love growing anything..not just weed. I've taken 4 years of horticulture and landscaping so I can grow anything...very well. Now if i moved to one of the lovely states like california and decided i wanted to grow for patients (and only patients...nothing illegal) how would i go about finding patients and where are the best places to live? Also generally what is the legal number of plants one can grow per patient? I'm not in it just for money...buy obviously I want to be able to fully dedicate myself to it so what kind of money are growers making (i currently make around 75K a year managing a call center so i would want to be able to stay in that general income area.) I dont want to get rich off of people....i just want to be able to spend all day tending to my ladies...pushing the boundries...cross breeding new strains...finding the most medically able genos of different strains.