I sure Like Clones V Seed


Well-Known Member
Seed are nice but clones are GREAT! I know everybody isn't as lucky as some of us where we can go to CL Seattle and take our pick of clones,
First there going to be ladies always female
Second there already growing.
Third a seed cost $5 a clone is $10 that's not a bad deal.
I think they make a nicer bush too.
Grow big it's your right use it!


Well-Known Member
For future reference when you get clones at a dispensary/co op are they already rooted?
I buy clones from a couple of dispensaries and they have roots showing. I also clone my own. This allows me to keep on a 2 month rotation. I veg my clones while my girls are flowering and throw them to flower after I harvest. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
ultimately, it is best to take your own clones, however clones do shave a month off the process, and that's never a bad thing.....fyi, any clone thats 10$ i would doubt is anything to get excited about strain wise........but thats just me i guess...........


Well-Known Member
ultimately, it is best to take your own clones, however clones do shave a month off the process, and that's never a bad thing.....fyi, any clone thats 10$ i would doubt is anything to get excited about strain wise........but thats just me i guess...........
The clubs here in SmelLA sell clones for mostly $15 and sometimes $25(larger). They sell a lot of fine strains. Some clubs make a lot of money off selling clones.

Usually any bud they sell, they will get clones of it. As the growers also want to move them.

A lot money to be made off 50 clones, when you need to trim the mothers anyway :weed:


Well-Known Member
I say grab some clones if there is a strain you want to try and you can't get seeds but growing from seed is great. You always have a chance to find something special and you could end up with something better than you can get in clone form. For me the most exciting part about growing from seed is not knowing what your plant is going to produce and ending up getting something you never imagined could exist. Sure you'll probably find more disapointments than keepers but when you do find that special plant it gives you that sureal feeling from finding something truely special.

Lung Butter

Active Member
Very true Stonedmetalhead.

There is only 2 kinds of music, heavy and metal, rock on.

infamous butcher angel of death, march to the kindom of the dead.


Active Member
Clones are great, and normally you don't have to worry about morphs either....but, seed is special, the feeling of growing something really great from seed can't be beat.

And, if you like to breed, seed is the only way. I crossed some Matanuska Thunderfuck and some Afghooey last season, will pop some Thunder Goo next season...can't wait to see what I get.

Can't have that kind of fun with clones!


Well-Known Member
Clones loss power after about the 20th cutting the New female seed is the way to go if you like a serten strain go ahead and clone it. but for me seed is the best way.....................