i beat the hell outa someone, am i a bad person?

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
i was takin a short cut through an ally and saw a man slapping around a women who was crying, i just got rage from no where n kicked the shit out of him, helped her up and told her to go, i feal a lil bad about fucking him up (am not one to usually do this) but he had it comming right?

A man beating up on a woman in an ally can't be good news..... you may very well have saved her life. If she goes back to him she may die another day from another beating... but you helped her live today. Hopefully she will re-think her life and make some changes.... who knows if she will or not... the important thing is that you gave her a chance to do so. You did the right thing.


Well-Known Member
she'll be like this space man beat up myboyfriend. Imagine how funny that scene must have been.
Did I ever say good job btw. I'm just fuckin with u alittle.


Well-Known Member
i was takin a short cut through an ally and saw a man slapping around a women who was crying, i just got rage from no where n kicked the shit out of him, helped her up and told her to go, i feal a lil bad about fucking him up (am not one to usually do this) but he had it comming right?
Been there & done that.

About 25 years ago i was going in a liquor store in Detroit for some booze,there was a guy & girl screaming at each other,i thought "what assholes",when i came out he had her by the hair of her head,he had her head pushed down using her hair & was serving her up with uppercut punches right to the face,i was drunk & felt like fuckin him up for beating her ass like that.

I walked right past them to my truck,reached behind the seat,grabbed the tire iron then went over & gave him a good smack from behind directly on his collar bone,he fell like a stone ,started screaming & crying the usual please sir shit so i gave him another clank for good measure,mostly to shut his ass up.

Now the girl who was getting her face bashed in falls to her knees at this dude's side & starts screaming at me."what did you do to my boyfriend you mofo",so im like this is great,im outta here,before i could split the cops pulled in,since i was the one standing there with a tire iron shit wasnt lookin good for me,after putting me through all the swat team bs including a pistol to the back of my head while they had their knee in my spine they threw me in the car & started questioning the girl.

This bitch went nuts on me,told the cops that her & her sweetheart boyfriend were just chillin when i went berserk on them with a tire iron,she even blamed all the blood all over her on me,she told them i hit her in the face with the tire iron & when her boyfriend tried to help her i beat him down too.

I was on my way to doing a 15 year bit over that shit until the owner of the party store came out & started telling the cops what really happened,they were still going to take me to jail & charge me with strong arm robbery until the store owner told them the whole episode was on tape from the security cameras,they released me PFI,i was lucky as hell,if the store owner wouldnt of helped me out i'd have done atleast 15 years.

You couldnt pay me to get involved in shit like that ever again.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I was on my way to doing a 15 year bit over that shit until the owner of the party store came out & started telling the cops what really happened,they were still going to take me to jail & charge me with strong arm robbery until the store owner told them the whole episode was on tape from the security cameras,they released me PFI,i was lucky as hell,if the store owner wouldnt of helped me out i'd have done atleast 15 years.

You couldnt pay me to get involved in shit like that ever again.

Pan... that SUCKS! You did the right thing and almost got fucked for doing the RIGHT thing!

25 years ago there were no cell phones.... there was no "a lot of things"..... today one could simply whip out the cell phone and dial 911 and tell them there is a man beating a woman... and at the same time send them a phone video of it...and then tell the dispatcher "I'm going to stop this"! No JURY IN THE WORLD would convict.

People should NOT be afraid to step in and stop violence for fear of prosecution. This is one of the things that FL TRUMPS in... we have a stand your ground law. NO it DOESN'T allow us to be johnny law... but it does allow us to use deadly force when we feel our life is in peril (or others lives are in peril) without backing down and without fear of prosecution from criminals or their survivors. (there's a lot more to it... but it's the law ... none the less)!

Does anyone here remember the movie CLUELESS? My favorite line is when the dad says to his daughter's date "I have a .45 and a shovel... and I doubt anyone would miss you" PRICELESS!!!!

In summary.... it's never wrong to stop violence.... even if the only thing you are able to do is take cell phone pics/video while calling 911.



Well-Known Member
i was takin a short cut through an ally and saw a man slapping around a women who was crying, i just got rage from no where n kicked the shit out of him, helped her up and told her to go, i feal a lil bad about fucking him up (am not one to usually do this) but he had it comming right?
I repped you, because I think what you did was not only right, but awesome. I mean, I couldn't imagine being a woman in a situation like that, and having no one help me...

Once, when I was a kid, I was driving with my mom, and we saw this guy hitting this girl. She got away from him, and started running down the street. My mom pulled up next to her, threw the door open and told her to get in. Drove off with the girl still half out the car, the guy right on her heels...

It was scary, but I was glad my mom did it.

And Panhead it TOTALLY sucks what happened to you! I never had anything THAT fucked up happen, but once, I helped a woman who was getting hit by this guy, and she couldn't speak any English except to tell us No Police. It was sad...

if i was him, i would have kicked your ass :D - maybe even killed you..but i dont rape women so im not him
Why would you even say that? I mean, just to try to make yourself look like a badass? I mean, he's talking about how he saved a girl, probably saved her LIFE...and you throw that shit out there? Makes no sense to me...


Well-Known Member
thanks people, i just saw it and knew i had to act, id go into detail what i did to him but its a bitch typing on the ps3


Well-Known Member
Ii Wouldve Beat Botha'yall Ass....lol/jk...good Job....ii Remember We Saw Sum Chichi Stompin His Girl Out.lol...we Tryd To Help Ii Was Like 15...dude Pulld A Gunman And Chased Us Lol,,hero's Die Quik...


Well-Known Member
meh i have time, so i saw them him grabbing her and smacking her round the face, she was crying, so i just pushed him off her while saying what the fuck are you doin? he punched me in the chest (wasnt too bad), so i grabbed him by the nec, kneed him in the stomach then give him a few jabs to the side of the face, after that he was fucked up so i pushed him to the ground and gave him a kick for good measure, after that i helped her up told her to go, she did and thanked me, then i just got out of town as fast as i could.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the guy had it coming and you just happened to be the one to serve some justice. WAY TO GO if he was slapping her around he fucking deserved to get slapped. Peace;)


Well-Known Member
watch how u talk 2 me u little fuck.i was just playing,but 4 all u know that bitch could have hit his kid in a car ,i would have had 2 beat her ass 2.the assassin ya fucken right ,u can suck a fat dick.


Well-Known Member
Come on now, don't you guys go starting now, too!

Although, after reading badman's post it made me look closer at your user name. It doesn't quite say the assassin...it says Thee assassin...was theassassin taken? just curious...