Humidity HELP!!!


Active Member
I need to increase my humidity level in my room. I currently have a large bowl of water in there but it has not done a damn thing........Any ideas???????


Well-Known Member
get a humidifier from a local thrift shop prolly in the range of 10-30 dollars and turn that baby on but rember 40-60 % humidity is all you need you dont want a panamanian jungle in your room


Active Member
The room is actually a walk in closet 5ft wide 8ft deep and 9ft tall. Is there a home made remedy?


Well-Known Member
homade ready lol just get the humidifier its easist but if you must get hot bucket of water almost boiling steeming and place it in the room or just tturn up the temp a little in the room do not exceed 80 degrres F and usaly itll evaporate water from a bowl