How to tactfully discuss being a patient with potential landlord.

Hi Everyone, I'm new to the board as I was approved for the program on Tuesday. My girlfriend and I are going to look at an apartment this afternoon and I was wondering how to bring up this subject. I already have one caregiver spot filled and I was going to designate myself as the other. My plan was to wait until after the showing to bring it up but I think I'd rather just discuss things this afternoon. I'll obviously feel out the situation before mentioning anything but is it even legal to not rent to someone because they are in the program and grow? I'm finding lots of grey area situations and appreciate any help this board can give. Be well.


Well-Known Member
thats a tough one that can really go either way. Some "company owned" places may have something in the lease that states if drugs are suspected you are evicted. while other companies might have completely overlooked it and technically wouldnt be able to stop you because youre not breaking any laws in the state and not breaking the lease.

Now when it comes to privately owned rental property you would probably have more luck. But it can still go either way.

Some people will accept it and understand that its the law (generally 50 yrs and younger) and others will still think its the devil drug ranked up there next to heroine.

Id explain to anyone what my intentions were and if they didnt have a specific rule or line in the lease that says something about it, start convincing.

and if all else fails just dont bring it up.

Either way youre legally allowed to grow it and possess it, so i feel as long as there is no direct rule in the lease about it you should be good.


Active Member
If its an apartment, with neighbors on top, below, to the side.... Id keep looking... Apartments are not good because there is ALWAYS smell - Whether you room is sealed with 3 Carbon Scrubbers or not.... So your chances of a neighbor calling the cops or robbing you is high... You want to grow? Get a house... Or your asking for trouble...

As far as the landlord goes, I wouldnt say a word.... Just rent it, and do it if you want to... Most likely, they will immediately say no when you mention growing marijuana... Once your in there, its not like he will be coming in and doing an inspection... Make sure you sign a lease for at least a year, and Just pay rent, and keep to yourself...

Window AC unit will cool the room, but will also pull hot air out, therefore blowing smell out... Trust me when I tell you, its a smell that is easily recognizable, and doesnt smell like smoked weed... It sounds to me like you may want to look somewhere else...

Also, you better add some carbon Filters/Scrubbers to your setup, cuz smell IS an issue
ok thanks for the advice. we're in a house right now and I'd love to stay but the owners are putting it on the market soon. i'll see what the place this afternoon looks like an interior room would be ideal, i already have a floor ac unit and was planning on doing carbon filters for sure. we have some time before we really need to be out of the place i'm at now the landlord is awesome and won't put the place on the market before we're settled wherever we go next. i'd rather take the time to find a perfect spot than rush into something i'd regret. i'm well aware this whole process needs to be done properly and really appreciate the help as i'm sure i'll have a million questions. in the meantime i'll be cooking soil!
do i dare put a wanted ad on craigslist saying i'm a patient/caregiver looking for a house? to me that seems sketchy but i've also seen mmj related things on there somewhat frequently. i'm from ct so am not used to this being part of the culture as it is in ri. my other thought was talking to a real estate agent and letting them find a place that would be cool with this. again thank you this site seems like an indispensable tool.

cheeba soulja

Well-Known Member
my opinion-rent a house for sure..long as you dont wreck the place and have clean grow area i would not say anything.its your privacy and your legal.would you tell the landlord if you were planning on growing a bunch of tomatoes and cucumbers? good thing to do is using wordpad or whatever make a 9x12 piece of paper and type out "this is a legal medical marijuana garden in compliance with ri laws 21-28.6" then under that type out the legal plant limits.then put your med card on it and take a color photo copy of that so your card will show on the paper.then write your cell# under that.put all that in a $5 walmart frame and hang it up in the entrance to your grow area so it looks professional.this way WORSE case landlord or police stumble upon your grow they will know right away its 100% legal and its yours.that will soften the shock and hopefully you can work it out.but if your renting a house and its in a locked bedroom or something chances are super slim somebody would ever go in there without your knowledge.


Easy. Don't discuss it at all. The less they know the better. For you and for them. Carbon filters work extremely well if used with a proper fan and controller. Filter air in, filter air out. Cross the landlord knowing bridge when/if you get there and then explain, you rent from them and you are growing your own medicine. If you are worried, build a room that you can break down in less than 24 hours. If they need to get in they need to give you 24 hrs notice.