How to Store Your Harvest & Maintain Quality


Well-Known Member
The Pump n Seal which was sold on TV was an excellent way to vacuum seal and reseal jars and other airtight containers. High Times advertises a device called "It Sucks" and looks to be the same thing. It is a small hand held vacuum pump which is placed over an adhesive tab that is placed over a small hole that is made in the lid or somewhere on your container and remove practically all atmospheric gases as is done with most food sold in glass jars. It cost under $30, which is cheap for the long term storage capabilities it provides. When you open a jar, the "swooshing" sound lets you know it works. "It Sucks" work with most glass jars, if they have a metal soft seal lid like canning jars.

After the harvest is cured and dry enough to create a snapping sound when stems are bent, the material is vacuum sealed in glass containers with a dessicant. Once the oxygen is removed from within them, the curing process and cannabinoid dterioration slows to a halt. The buds must remain dry, kept out of direct light, and the ambient temperature should be kept cool and constant. I prefer to keep the majority of the sealed jars in the refrigerator. Freezing in vacuum sealed glass containers is best for uninterrupted, long term storage. I keep "jars in use" in the cupboard to avoid humidity and temperature fluctuations that occur when you remove them from the refridgerator


Well-Known Member
theres got to be a house hold way to get the air out I bet my grandpa would know he cans his own pickles beets jams ect. I'm going to ask him !


Well-Known Member
Actually here in the south, when you can foods such as fruits or vegetables usuall water is used to displace the air. If you want to store them for a long time the method mogie posted is the best way to go(+rep,mogie). However, if you don't have one of these put as much bud as you can possibly fit in the jar without damaging your trichomes, and use an equivalent sized jar so there is less air in the jar. Or you can put your bud into a freezer bag and "roll the air out much like you would for a tube of toothpaste, then seal the open corner, tape if you like and place in the freezer. This would not last anywhere near as long as the preferred method.


Active Member
wouldnt air sealing bud in a bag be bad? considering the walls of the bag are pressing fairly hard against the bud, touching and grabbing tons trichomes. at least thats what id think.


Well-Known Member
a neat trick is fill a bucket up with water ,big enough you can put your baggy in. Put your goodies in the bag and place bottom side into the water and don't let the water get into the bag. The water pressure will push all the air out of the bag and you can close the bag.


Active Member
Anyone try a Foodsaver or other vacuum bag type of bag sealer? (kinda like the "It Sucks", but for vacuum packing foods.



Well-Known Member
i use a vacum sealer...for come wit jars..all u do is hook up the hose n it takes out all the air..its u can see all the pressure comin off ur buds..if u watch them closely wil removin air u can see em get a lil bigger..but i like it..n it has bags..which i say are good for movin pounds i