how to make good dirt


Well-Known Member
do you guys have any ideas on how to make good dirt with out buying it?or how do i tell if dirt is good for growing


Well-Known Member
Loam has a mixture of sand, silt, and clay particles. Typically, loam soils contain approximately 40% by volume sand, 40% by volume silt, and 20% by volume clay. Loam is ideal for most plants and is easy to work.


Well-Known Member
Just dig up some dirt from your backyard... add some worms, find some dog... cat... or any manure around your house, compost it, add it... let it sit for a bought a week, and grow lol jk. Dude soil is really inexpensive, VM picked some at the dollar store for like 1$ a pound or something. I would reccomend just buying some.


Well-Known Member
never use carniverous animal dung as fertalizer, it's poison, pigs can kill fish for several miles downstream if a large number of them frequently deficate near it. same goes for ours, dogs, and cats. composted leaves work well, but as long as your soil is nice and black, and fluffy not to full of clay(dries to hard for roots to grow.) you should be fine, if it shown deficencys still fertalizer is pretty cheep, i recomend osmocote 14-14-14 time realease fert. they sell it at every store with a garden section and works great.


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming you mean soil and not dirt. Otherwise save you money and buy some quality potting soil. Would you rather have a plant that produces 50 grams or a plants that produces 500 grams? If you answered the latter I say BUY your soil. In other words you get what you pay for.