How to find a lab for testing?


Well-Known Member

I am seeking recommendations of what testing company can perform tests for independent growers?

Potency would be interesting but primarily I am interested in testing for bad shit that I do not want to ingest such as powdery mildew, other mold, or other pathogens. I want to test for toxic and unhealthy things. I surely appreciate the help!



Well-Known Member
I've never had any of my stuff tested but I heard good word-of-mouth reports from local growers regarding SC Labs in Santa Cruz. I think they also have a branch in Santa Ana. I believe SC does a lot of testing for dispensaries.

However, there's always a caveat: Labs get accused of shady practices and SC is not immune. Sorry to say, it's still a "gold rush" industry here and in every "gold rush" there are operators cutting corners or just blatantly ripping off the latest "prospectors" who arrive hoping to get rich quick. So I would say, do a Google search for news reports about whatever lab you consider using. That's where you may learn if they are being sued or investigated. The regular "mainstream" news outlets have started to cover the cannabis industry like any other business, and I would look there to get the straight poop... or at least look there in addition to sources that mainly focus on cannabis and may be taking advertising money from lab operators. I'm not trying to demean Roll It Up or any other cannabis site, but just saying you probably want to get a broad sampling of info before you spend a lot of money.


Well-Known Member
I am looking into getting a few samples tested myself, and the first thing I learned is that I might have to get a doctor's recommendation because I don't have any kind of cultivation license from the state. I live in LA County and there is a lab in Northridge that I might use. Also a place in Santa Ana.

I guess I'll have to find a "cannabis doctor" to write me a permission slip. Whatever. Apparently MMJ patients are allowed to do "R&D."