How to deter the pigs?

green wave

Active Member
Howzit! Just moved to a rainforest jungle on the big island of hawaii (puna district). Big bud area, lots of pakalolo farmers in the area. My property borders a large undeveloped tract of rainforest jungle. I'm not concerned about growing the herb, as everything grows here. It's harder to prevent things from growing than it is to grow. :)

But my problem is with the wild pigs. I think that they will become my nemesis. Any suggestions on how to deter pigs from getting my plants? It has to be a solution that can be done on the DL, as the Feds fly helicopters over our jungle a few times a month looking for da pakalolo. F'ing feds man, meth is rampant out here, yet they spend all their time harassing the bud farmers.

Should I paint some chicken wire green and place that around the crops? Any suggestions are welcome.

The pigs here on the island are quite large, some well over 200lbs.


Green Wave


Well-Known Member
Any type fence just run a hot wire on top. People do it all the time to contain cattle, etc,


Well-Known Member
Pigs will root~dig up around anything if they want at you have a dog? a BIG dog? One idea is to get some cd's/ tapes of their predators and play them for a few weeks....Coyotes, mountain lions (in Hawwaaii?) What are Puna Pig's predators???
Shit, get a little radio, strap it to a bush and piss everywhere! Paintball guns!!


Well-Known Member
i'm thinking, go online to a hunting store, get some wolf and fox urine,bear if you can find any, spread it in the area, add some human to the area as well, then run a small electric fence as long as there is ZERO chance someones kid will hit it, if a kid sees your plants hey its just another plant to them, if a little kid touches an electric fence then will go crying to their parents. then u gotta worry about the parents coming to see what the kid got zap'd by

best of luck to you


Well-Known Member
you could also do what they have done for years in Africa...put lots of thorn bushes around your grow. Villages in Africa make thorn bush fences to keep lions, hyenas and other wild animals from attacking their domesticated animals. If it works for them then it will work for you


Well-Known Member
what kind of area are you trying to protect maybe a trench 4 foot wide 4 foot deep with the dug out ground over the protected side of the ground
use a plank for crossing urself maybe depending on the size like i say a good fence should work strong posts and wire mesh on both sides will prevent chewing a bit other than that i dont know i had an idea about growing in a tree maybe you can hang your pots off sawn off branches like hanging pot plants exscuse the pun


Well-Known Member
kill a pig near the site of your plants and make shore they see it. they have good memorys and will not come back . lol just fucking around maybe piss near your plants to mark your territory.