How Much DMT?

"I'll say it's as rare to have a quarter ton of weed as it is to have a single pound of DMT"

^^^ More so. I'm pretty sure I can find that quantity of weed within an hour drive. I could likely devote 12 months to either extraction (in my free time) or procuring DMT and not get a pound.

I was hoping that in over 20 pages of discussion shep, or a more experienced member may chime in. To the OP: If you do a VERY thorough extraction you will get 1% yield; (1 kilo mimosa hostilis root bark = 10 grams DMT). I'm a better than average chemist with better than average equipment. I get 0.8% on average. I've been around along time, have always lived around metropolitan areas, and have often been "well connected". The only people I know personally that have seen N,N-DMT are the ones to which I personally showed it. 99.99% of your average users has no clue what DMT is. 98% of your dealers wouldn't know WTF to do with it.

Extracting 1LB of N,N-DMT would require about 100 LBS of high quality rootbark, perfect extraction, and some serious containers to work with. Synthesis is an option, and I've heard of people getting pure lab synth'd DMT. However, nearly everyone who smokes DMT extracts it themselves or got it in small quantities from someone who does. Most dealers have no clue about DMT. Even fewer potential end users have heard about DMT. This thread needed something other than drivel.
Bravo! Bravo! Fantastic post!