How many watts should i get for LED lights?


I am new to indoor and i want to grow with led lights but idk how many lights or how many watts i need. I plan to have a 5'x5' gorilla grow tent with about 15 little ones, What type of lights do u guy recommend and how many watts should the led's be?


Well-Known Member
400-600 watts would be good

you would be best keeping a short and very wide plant.. you could probably get a good yield doing 4 plant scrog with 400+ watts of LED


Thanks! Do u have any web pages where i can find them? Sorry im brand new to indoor and i wanna get all my info correct before i get started lol


Well-Known Member
Platinum XL-U ... might be "overkill" but I want one.

For that coverage, most people opt for multiple fixtures. Whether that's due to their budget, time or constraints, I don't know. Even the new stuff doesn't really cover that well outside of it's own footprint, it's a lot better than it used to be.

Look for 2X 300W panels, or 4X 150w, or however you want to come up with about 600W of actual draw from the plug.