How long should I keep my seedlings in the propagator


Active Member
My seeds have sprouted & I have moved them in to compost in my heated propagator, how long should I leave them there before I move them in to the grow tent?


Well-Known Member
.... once your seeds spout and you have a nice healthy tap root you want to transplant them into either small pots (for future tans-planting into larger grow out pots) or into the container thats going to be used for the whole grow.

People generally put them into smaller containers so they can fit more under their light source. so if you have multiple plants then go with small containers, if you go one or two, just got w/ 3 gallon buckets. Thats what i would do.

Really no time frame just when your seeds crack and you got a decent sized tap root, plants those babies in the ground.

Hope this helps you...


(this is all assuming you are not planting the seeds outside.... if you going outside you want to get them sprouted inside and get a little veg growth in, then harden them up and put them outside)

Well after re-reading the question i see i didn't really answer it lol... I would put those in your grow tent if their sprouted.... any pictures? or time they have been growing?