How am I doing? (day 17)


Well-Known Member
Hi all!

Im a first-time poster in this really great and usefull site!
Much respect! :smile:

So finally decided to take some pics with my phone of my baby as well...she is 17 days old by now. This is my first grow ever...and probably could do alot of things better but...

I have:
one 14w CFL(with special plant growing-sprctrum) -2inches from plant

one 160W Osram Mercury tungsten blended lamp - about 16 inches away from plant (gives pretty much heat)

indoor-flower growing soil (PH~6.0)

Compered to other 2-3week old plants i have seen on this forum mine is a bit weaker. I think the reason is...that with my newbie stupidity i let it stretch in the first five days... then i got reading this site and buried it a little under the soil (to ebryo-leaves) and brought my lights alot closer...also i replanted it in a bigger pot 2 days perhaps the plant is just gathering its strength from its new environment or smth...

Well here are the please let me know how its doing in this growth stage...what should i think about doing differently? Should i concider getting a vent? How big should it be?
When should i`ll start giving it nutes?

What u all think, is it sativa? :smile:


