Hi there


Hello everyone.

Im ledweed. :)

I've been growing medweed for private patients in British Columbia, Canada for about 7 years. I have grown with several types of mediums such as organic, soil less, coco, and straight perlite in several types of systems. I have tried ebb n flow, drip irrigation, and pots. I used several types of nutrients. Some will agree with and some might not even know about which i am excited to share with you all. i haVe built and teared down a few hundred grow rooms and i have about 11 years in as a hazardous materials abatement (hazmat) which means that I have tones of experience with building sealed or negative air enclosures.

I've been lucky to be part of a bunch of growers due to the fact that my best buddy owns a hydroponics store. I'm lucky as well because i can rely on tried, true methods and advice from my him and his staff.

I am trying to move my grows from HID to LED's due to power constraints. We don't thieve power and we believe in self sustainable conservation methods as much as possible in everything we do in regards to this operation.

I have numerous threads on this site and others under a different username(s). I hope this does not offend anyone and I am doing this so that no baggage is carried over from other accounts, which include allot of pertinent, relative information thus i do not want to delete those threads/usernames. They are still (in my view) important to keep. I am taking a risk in sharing this information some forums don't like this practice but i believe that you all deserve to know. At the same time I would like to state that I do not endorse any product unless we are or have used it. I am not paid or compensated by any company or business entity for the content that I post and I will only supply factual information. We all now there is way to much "opinions" on forums were they should be proven scientific fact.

Allright, let's get it on, and thx for taking the time to read my intro. :)