help white worms!

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
HELP little white worms with black heads growing around my roots what are they how do i get rid of them plz some one get back to me im 6 weeks into flowering!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
you need to kill them bastards! They could lead to you having budrot. worms get into your buds and they start eating leafs and whatnot and when they poop, it contaminates your bud a.k.a budrot. Get a psticide, water down and spray.


Active Member
check your leaves too. that was where i found the worms in my plants. pesticide should keep them under control until youre ready to harvest too. it eliminated the worms on mine.


Well-Known Member

They look like that? Fungus nat, as mentioned above. If you don't want to use chemicals, try to put a slcie of potatoe in the pots. The larvea love them. he just throw out the potatoe peices covered in larvae....
Or use the chemicals to get rid of them for sure!